Chapter 3

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Corin Chandler's POV

I wake to a wailing siren and glance at the clock. 4 am. Then I notice the blinking red light above my door. My first real red alert! I gasp as the ship lurches to the side. I quickly get dressed and hurry down to Sick Bay where Dr. McCoy is rushing around in his pajamas.
"Nurse! You're here! Thank goodness!" he cries when he sees me. I glance around and realize other than him and many patients, I'm the only one here.
"Yes, Doctor," I say and are given a stream of fast paced commands. Apparently the planet we were in orbit around had some aliens that were originally believed to be peaceful but they turned hostile! They fired and hit us full on, leading to injuries all over the ship. All of the other nurses were hurt! Patients were coming in by the dozens. After a while the intercom buzzes.
"Kirk to Sick Bay." Dr. McCoy jogs over.
"Bones, get down here. We're beaming down to the planet," Kirk's voice sounds tired.
"Jim I can't! There's too many injured!" McCoy says, distraught.
"Send a nurse then!" Kirk shouts.
"Damnit, Jim all of them but one can barely stand up! And there's too many patients to deal with on my own!" Bones runs to help another person shouting behind him, "Nurse talk to Kirk!"
The intercom crackles again. "Dammit yourself! Send whoever you can! Kirk out!"
McCoy sighs and says, "Nurse, get down there."
"But Doctor-" I try but he cuts me off.
"Just go!"
"Yes, sir," I say and hurry to the transporter room.
"Well aren't you a sight for tired eyes," the Captain says when he sees me. I sigh and step onto the transporter pad along with everyone else, but before the ensign pulls down the lever I'm gone! I rematerialize in some sort of cavern, alone. I look around with wide eyes at everything and see nothing but rock. Then I hear-or really feel-a voice. "Why hello there young lady, fancy meeting you here...muahahaha muahahahahahahaha!" Then it all goes dark.

No one's POV

Meanwhile on the ship everything is in turmoil. "How could she just disappear?" Kirk says frantically.
"I dinnae kin meself, Captain!" Scotty says. "I'll check the transporter again bu' there's no' much tha' could go wrong and beam down only one person!" He rushes off.
"Damnit Jim that was my last nurse! And there are to many wounded to tend to myself!" Bones growls in anger.
"I know! Believe me!" Kirk cries and throws up his hands. He stalked up to the bridge.
"Any news sir?" Lieutenant Uhura asks worriedly. She had begun to like the new nurse. She felt that they could be great friends. "What does it look like Lieutenant?" Kirk growls, then immediately takes it back. "Sorry, Uhura. I'm just a little stressed."
"It's all right, sir. I understand," Uhura says and turns back to trying to contact the planet.
"Now for Bones' problem.." Kirk mutters under his breath. Louder he says, "Does anyone have medical experience here?" A few people raise their hands. "Follow Bones. Now, all we can do is sit and wait..."

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