First Date With Zayn

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You glanced over your shoulder and started laughing your head off from the hilarious image that met your eyes. Zayn was sitting on a horse behind you and he was making the goofiest faces you ever saw.

"Come on horsey! Come on! My own girlfriend is winning the race!" Zayn yelled at the horse as he slowly rose up and down to the music that was playing on the ride.

You and Zayn were out on your first date and you were both riding the carousel one last time before you left the park.

When you both finished laughing, Zayn climbed off his horse and you felt him sit behind you on the sturdy fake horse. He wrapped his arms around you and laid his head against the back of yours. You felt his warmth and it was very comforting to have. It was not awkward for either of you because you've both known each other for a while before Zayn finally grasped enough courage to ask you to be his girlfriend, and he would hug you like this often. Closing your eyes, you leaned back into him gently and you could smell his wonderful scent which you loved so much.

"Hey now, don't faint on me... This is much more fun when you're awake" you hear him whisper in your ear jokingly and your eyes fluttered open. You saw Zayn's face and he looked at you with those gorgeous dark eyes of his that sparkled.

"I'm not sleeping... I was just enjoying the ride!" you laughed.

"Haha, yeah right," Zayn smirked and started tickling you on the side with his fingers and chuckled when you started squirming and screaming for him to stop.

The ride was slowing down then and soon you and Zayn were out of the park.

"Hey," Zayn said, taking your hand.

"What?" you asked him as he leaded you towards some hills. "Where are we going?" 

"I want to show you something," he said looking back at you and grinning. He then slowed his speed and put his arm around your shoulders.

At the top of the hill, you and Zayn sat down on the lush green grass. As you were looking out over the scenery, you gasped at what you saw. In the distance, you noticed the Eiffel Tower and the sunset behind it, creating a beautiful silhouette. The city lights just added to the magical effect and it seemed like there were a bunch of lighted candles that were silently floating on dark water below the city buildings.

"It's beautiful..." you expressed softly, leaning on Zayn's shoulder.

"Yeah, it is... Do you like it?" he asked, tightening his hug around you.

"I love it," you replied with a smile and closed your eyes but then opened them so you could gaze at the gorgeous scenery again.

"Can I ask you something?" Zayn asked you after a few moments of comfortable silence.

"Yeah?" you responded.

"Well, I know that we've known each other for quite a long time... And now it's our first date. I just want to let you know that I want to make this relationship of ours even more special than it ever has been. You're everything to me and I really... I really love you," he said as he looked into your eyes. "So I want to give you this ring... It's a promise ring that is a reminder that I promise to always care for you and that we'll both try our hardest to make this work out. I want to promise to you I'll never leave you."

"Zayn..." you whispered in a half sob half smile as you slid the simple designed silver ring onto your finger. "Thank you. I promise to always be here for you too."

Zayn began to smile as you looked back up to his face and his eyes seemed to light up with excitement. Your own feelings were exploding with fireworks inside your stomach as you and Zayn slowly leaned towards each other and kissed under the blinking stars, knowing that everything would work out no matter what cames your way.

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