Your Graduation Ceremony

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You were sitting on your metal chair in the isle of other girls who were dressed in the same outfit as you. Moving your hands nervously over your black, silk gown, you stared at the stage filled with men, woman and graduating students walking across the stage one at a time.

Today was your graduation ceremony.

You took deep breaths when your group finally got called up to the stage. While standing in line waiting for your turn to receive your diploma, you glanced around the audience to see if he was there.

Zayn had told you he might not make his flight in time but you were still hoping he would.

Finally your name was boomed over the loudspeakers and you flashed a big smile as loud whoops and clapping met your ears as you walked to the podium. Grasping your diploma, your eyes teared up a little but not because you've worked so hard to earn it, but because Zayn wasn't going to be there to see you graduate.

The ceremony finally ended and you ran to meet your excited family. After hugs and kisses were embraced, you turned around and threw your hat into the air as you laughed with excitement. As it came fumbling back down, your eyes met his whom you thought you would never get to see that day. Zayn had made it.

"Zayn-" you choked with happiness and rushed into his arms to be twirled around in circles. You breathed in his scent and his arms clasped around you as he kissed your head.

"Congratulations love," Zayn congratulated you as you pulled back from the embrace. As you acquired a better look at him, you saw that he was dressed in a nice tuxedo and was holding a bouquet of white and pink flowers.

"These are for you," Zayn smiled as he handed you the beautiful flowers.

"Thank you so much Zayn, I'm more than happy you were able to be here," you laughed through happy tears.

"I'm proud of you," Zayn responded with a grin and his eyes started to tear up.

Without hesitating, you both leaned in and your lips met for a few seconds before Zayn engulfed you into another hug and kissed you on your forehead.

"I'm really proud of you love," Zayn smiled at you, his eyes glistening as you looked back up into his face.

"Thanks for being here," you remarked, leaning back into his chest smiling the biggest smile you've ever smiled.

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