Ice Cream Date

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You and Zayn are walking home along the boardwalk from a full day at the beach. The air is still warm with the setting sun and the sea breeze gently tousles your hair. 

"That was fun," Zayn smiles, taking hold of your hand as you walk side by side. 

Brushing through your hair you reply, "Yeah, I'm really happy that we were able to go today." 

You lean into Zayn's side, thrilled to be with him and spend time together as you talk about random things and you swing your interlocked hands back and forth between you. As you pass by an ice cream shop, Zayn asks you if you want some to eat on the way home. Of course, you agree and a few seconds later, you both enter the cool ice cream parlor.

"What would you like?" the girl behind the counter asks you. 

Before you can reply, Zayn steps up and orders the ice cream, knowing exactly what you want. 

"One large Double Dunker and one large Vanilla, both on cones, please." 

As the waitress begins your order, you grab some napkins from the counter and find a small table by the window with an ocean view.

Zayn returns with the two cones, handing you the Double Dunker flavored ice cream as he takes a lick off of his Vanilla.

"Thank you, Zayn," you smile, finding his eyes.

"No problem," he grins back.

Before you are done, you head out, licking your ice cream as you walk down the wooden walkways, the stringled lights along the paths turning on, lighting your way. The stars are now coming out slowly, twinkling every so often in the dusk night sky.

A look out area of the scenery is up ahead, and you both stop to lean on the fencing, close together. The seagulls fly overhead and you watch the rhythmic movement of waves crashing along the shoreline, listening to the rushing of water that you have grown to love. 

"What, no thank you kiss?" Zayn smirks as you finish your cone before him. 

Rolling your eyes, you reply, "I already did thank you." 

"Ooo, sassy now, are we?" Zayn says with his eyebrows raised. 

You laugh, closing your eyes as you lean in to kiss him but you suddenly feel something cold land on the tip of your nose. Stopping out of shock, you open your eyes and notice a glob of Vanilla ice cream sitting on the tip of your nose. 

Zayn laughs loudly, clutching his stomach as he watches your reaction. 

"You're gonna get it!" you exclaim, laughing as you tackle him, trying to push him down, but fail to do so since Zayn is too strong. 

"I'm sorry, babe," he chuckles in a deep voice and bends down to kiss you after wiping it off with a napkin. "I just had to."

Hey everyone, how are you all? :P

I'm just wondering, do you guys enjoy like, sad, happy, funny, or cute imagines best? Or do you enjoy all of them? I just want to know because if you would like some more personal ones that you would like to read, just comment whatever you like best down below! 

Thanks for reading :) 

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