At the Dog Park

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You and Zayn have always been friends ever since you were little kids. You were always there for each other. He had always taken care of you growing up whenever you needed it. As you grew older, you began having strong feelings for Zayn and eventually you fell for him in your early eighteenth year but you never had the courage to tell him.

One day, you and Zayn were hanging out at his apartment joking around and playing some video games like Mariokart Wii and Super Smash Bros. Brawl. This had been going on for some time until Zayn's dog came up and sat down right in front of you both, searching for attention with his big round eyes. Whenever he needed to go out, he would come up to someone and sit there until they would let him out.

"Guess he wants to go outside," chuckled Zayn, putting down the controller and rubbing the back of his head. You stand up from the couch and stretch your legs as Zayn grabbed the leash and soon you both are heading out the door with Zayn's dog bouncing and yapping with excitement on the end of the leash, eager to head outside.

Walking down the road, you and Zayn head for the dog park that was a short distance away. The weather was nice and refreshing causing the walk to become pleasant. When you arrived, you walk around the park in silence, letting Snoopy do his business and sniff around. That was the nice thing about Zayn. You could talk for hours about all different kinds of subjects but also not say anything for a long time and just enjoy each other's company. Zayn was a quiet kind of guy and never really became too roudy. It was nice to just be in his presence and know that he enjoyed it as well.

After a while, you and Zayn headed over to the part of the park where it was fenced in so that dogs could run free and frisk about with other dogs. Heading inside, Zayn unclasped Snoopy off his leash and the dog immediately took off, anxious to stretch his legs with long strides of running. Laughing at his crazy actions, you and Zayn chased Snoopy around the park in a playful manner.

Half an hour later after some Frisbee throwing, you and Zayn headed over to a park bench while Snoopy restsed under a nearby tree. You sit there and talk for a while, laughing over each other's lame jokes and comments, just enjoying the beautiful fall day. For some reason, the topic somehow ended up leading to relationships and all of a sudden Zayn looks at you seriously.

"What?" you asked him curiously, a half smile on your lips.

Zayn waited a few moments before saying, "It's just that... Oh never mind, it's... nothing really." He looked away, his eyes distant and his thumbs starting to twiddle idly whenever he was hiding something or wanted to make an important statement.

You noticed this and could tell that Zayn wanted to tell you something. "Zayn, what is it?"

He shot his eyes up to you before glancing quickly back down and breathing in nervously. Zayn shook his head as a nervous laugh comes out.

"Please?" you pout your lips and pull your best puppy eyes until Zayn finally caved in.

Looking right at you, you stared back at Zayn's rich brown colored eyes that have seemed to have a small tint of honey color in them. "It's just that..." he started, biting his bottom lip. "You're beautiful. You know that right?" His phrase was awkward and rushed and Zayn began to turn a shade of red darker on his face.

Not expecting something like this to come out of Zayn's mouth, you looked down in shock but a small smile started to creep up onto your lips. Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"No, I'm not. Stop that," you replied sheepishly, still not meeting Zayn's eyes.

Zayn, now recovering a bit from his confession, was taken back with shock at what you said and proceeded to say again that what he said before was true. "You know I don't lie..." He said and you know this to be true. Zayn always told you and only you his deepest secrets. You knew everything about him as did he of you.

All of a sudden the space between you and Zayn seemed to become smaller and you foumd yourself looking up slowly to Zayn's handsome face that had a grin spread over it.

"Do you really mean it?" you asked him, biting your lower lip.

Zayn's eyes traveled down your face where he caught the movements of your mouth then back up to meet your gaze. "Of course. I love you. I always have," he blurted out.

Butterflies churned inside your stomach after hearing Zayn's confession of his love and you smiled. Before you say anything, Zayn slowly slid his hand around to the back of your head where his fingers touched your soft hair as he pulled you in close for a small peck on the lips.

Pulling back after a few moments, you opened your eyes that had shut before and met Zayn's smiling gaze that led you to smile with him.

"I love you too," you replied quietly, shy about saying those four words that have been kept inside of you for a while now.

All of a sudden, Snoopy ran up and your moment with Zayn ended as he barked for attention, letting you both know that it was time to go home.

You watched Zayn laugh as he rubbed the sides of Snoopy's body before clipping the leash back on and turning back to you. He slipped his hand into yours, a small gesture that let butterflies loose inside your soul. You sigh in content as you make your way back. Today had been the most lovely day.

Later on, Zayn eventually asked you to become his girlfriend, which you said yes to, and you both go on to have a most amazing relationship together.

Hey everyone!

Sorry I haven't really been updating this, I've been sick and away these past two weeks... so, I didn't have time to write anything up.

But now that I'm back, I will be writing some more imagines!

However, I've realized that I will not be doing any more imagines except for a few left for this book. If you would like any personal imagine, feel free to request something before I officially stop writing for this which will be probably next month.

For those of you who have, your story will come soon! :)

Thank you so much for reading this!!!

Zayn Malik ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now