Zayn's Aplogy (Part 1)

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You're sitting on your bed in your room staring at your laptop screen as sad music plays through your headphones. It's been almost a week. A week since you and Zayn had a fight that had you ending up in tears after he hung up on you. It was the most painful week you had ever felt and barely made it through each day. Neither of you had talked to each other since because Zayn had called off the relationship which broke your heart right in half. With the words and memories of what happened flashing through your mind, you close your eyes as you lay your head in hands. It wasn't like Zayn to be acting this way. He never yelled at you. He would never call off your relationship this easily over something so small like that. The only explanation you could think of was the stress he and the boys have been under the past few weeks from their tour and endless days of traveling.

You don't know how long you've been sitting in that position, crying your heart out, when your phone beside you starts to vibrate. You sniff and wipe your eyes as you turn to look at the ID. To your surprise, you see that it is Zayn calling you. Panic and confusion comes over you as you decide whether or not to answer as you stare at the screen and the name who had betrayed you. But fear and hatrid wins and you let the phone ring as you toss it aside and turn away. It goes to the voice messaging beep and you wait to see if he will leave a message or not.

"Hi..." comes the familiar accented voice with a heavy sigh, "I wish you had picked this up, but I can understand why you didn't..." You  can immediately sense that he had been crying by the tone in his voice. "Um, I hope you can hear me through my sniffles... I'm not sick. I actually just stopped crying.... But please let me just say this," he exhales nervously. You sit in silence and wait to hear what he has to say. "I know...I know that you must be really mad at me right now. I can understand that. I was a stupid, stupid jerk to you and I want to say that I am completely sorry for how I've treated you and for calling our relationship off. It is the worst thing I've ever done and I am so sorry. Really, I am... I don't know what came over me. I miss you so much and I have been completely hating myself for what I have done. I know this is also a really stupid, stupid question... But... I just want to know if you've missed me at all? You have no idea what I've been through this past week after the fight I started and I can imagine that you had it just as hard. But again, I realized that I made a huge mistake in calling off our relationship. I want to start over with you again because I need you. I love you. I love you for who you are and what we had become together as one. I miss your voice so much and I would die to see your face again. Please, please call me back... I know that I made a massive mistake, but I want to fix it and work through it with you. I am so sorry for yelling at you and mistreating you. But I have learned a huge lesson in my actions and I want to fix it for you in the best way imaginable. Please call me back, love. I miss you so much and I am completely and utterly sorry... Bye."

As he hangs up, you turn your head back in the direction of your phone. Tears had filled your eyes as you heard Zayn talk to you again. You didn't know how much you missed that accented voice of his until just now and sorrow comes over you as you let his sincere apology sink in. You don't know what to do or think. Hope starts to creep into your body and feelings in getting back together with Zayn and mending your relationship. You want it back more than anything. You look up at the ceiling and a small chuckle escapes your lips as you start to smile and realize that maybe things can work out between you and Zayn. But how, you wonder, will be the question.

Zayn Malik ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon