Zayn Is Always Able to Comfort You

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"Zayn!" you exclaim, rushing into his open arms after you open up the door of your house. You bury your face into his chest as he quickly wraps his strong arms around your back, pulling you closer to his chest. 

"I missed you," he says softly in his accent, kissing your forehead. Oh how you've missed his voice!  

"I missed you even more," you reply, smiling as you breath in his scent that you've missed so much. 

"And how has my beautiful girlfriend been doing?" Zayn asks with a grin you as you both walk back inside, hand in hand. 

Thoughts flash through your mind, urging yourself to tell Zayn what's been happening between you and the fans. 

"Better, now that you're here," you rush quickly, faking a smile in trying to hide the pain you've been holding in for so long without anyone to tell it to. 

But Zayn knows you too well and he can tell something is bothering you.

As you both settle yourselves down onto your couch, Zayn tries to make you look at him but you can't. Biting the insides of your lips nervously, you keep your eyes lowered, not daring to look at your boyfriend. 

"Babe, I know something's up," you hear Zayn say softly. "Look at me..." 

You finally lift your head and stare through your tear brimmed eyes into his chocolate orbs that held compassion and worry for you. 

"Is it the fans?" Zayn guesses, and you nod your head in silence since a lump in your throat begins to form after remembering all the hate messages that they've been writing. 

"I'm okay," you try to speak, forcing yourself to be strong. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" he suggest, rubbing your shoulders helping you to calm down. 

Shaking your head, lower your head and think of an excuse to get away. 

"I need to take a shower," you mention standing up and walking quickly into the bathroom. Not bothering to take your clothes off, you turn on the shower and let the warm water run over your body, soaking your outfit as you stand there, keeping Zayn from hearing you cry. All the hate from the fans were getting to you, but you didn't want Zayn to see you so upset. 

Heavy sobs escape your lips and the tears flow freely down your cheeks, but Zayn must have heard you since the bathroom door opened. 

"Babe?" he calls out, standing outside the shower curtain. Not able to stop your sobbing, you can't reply but only move yourself into a sitting position onto the floor as you hug your knees and bury your face between your legs. 

You hear the curtain being pulled back, and Zayn steps in to crouch down beside you, ignoring the fact that he would become soaked. 

"Come here, babe," Zayn whispers, and lets you fall into his arms. "I'm so sorry..." He repeats over and over, stroking your wet hair and rubbing your back gently as you cry letting you know that he is there to protect and comfort you. 

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