"I'm in Love With You and All Your Little Things..."

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You wake up suddenly with a start, your mind flying awake from its deep slumber. Your eyes try to focus in the darkness, and soon they succeed in finding your arm and bedsheets around yourself. Something raucous had awaken you and you quickly realize that a thunderstorm was overhead by immediately hearing the steady beating of raindrops against the window. A flash of light zips through the glass followed by deep thunder rolls a few moments later. Knowing that it is only a storm, you calm down and exhale a deep breath. You love thunderstorms. A quick look around lets you remember that you are at Zayn's flat. Because the storm was too intense earlier on last evening, Zayn had let you stay for the night so you would not have to worry about driving back to your house. Rubbing your eyes, you sit up and stretch your body a little, watching the raindrops scurry and zig-zag down the window after you finish. You imagine them racing each other. Looking over at the clock sitting on the nightstand a few minutes later, you notice that it reads 5:06 am.

Groaning from waking up so early, you lie back down into Zayn's comfy covers and soft pillows, desperate to find sleep again, but to no avail. It was no use no matter how many times you shifted or turned in the sheets. Exhausted, you stare up at the dark ceiling, only the storm raging outside breaks the silence. Thunderstorms are always enjoyable to listen to. The power of the storm always seemed to have something to do with it. For some reason, you felt a lot less lonesome whenever a thunderstorm was occuring.

Peering over the edge of the bed, you barely make out a figure that stretches out along the length of a futon as it slowly rises and lowers and you remember that it is your boyfriend, Zayn. He had let you take his comfortable bed after much protesting from you while he took the black peice of furniture. A small grin creeps up onto your face. Zayn was too nice. He was always thinking the best for you.

Yawning a little bit and knowing that sleep will not come again, you climb out of bed quietly, careful not to wake Zayn who was lying deep asleep nearby. In a few moments, you succeed in shuffling your way into his master bathroom to take a shower without creating a sound on the way. Because your eyes were still a little tired, you had to squint them when the bathroom light turned on, but they slowly adjusted to the bright lights shortly after.

After you quickly undress, you turn on the water and step into the shower once it turns hot and let the steaming liquid to run down your arms and legs, allowing it to wake you up all the way and clear your thoughts. The water was refreshing and it felt great on your skin despite how hot it was. After a half hour of standing there under the steaming shower, you turn off the tap and step out to dry off.

Catching sight of yourself in the mirror, your mouth turns down into a sad frown as you stare. You hated your hips. You hated your thighs. You never liked your arms. You did not see any collar bone and you did not like your face. Sighing and looking away, you continue to dry and finish dressing into new pairs of clothes that you had set out for yourself last night. You knew you were not huge, but at the same time, you thought that you had too much fat on you. You wanted it gone.

"Gosh, I look like a wreck," you mutter quietly, drying your hair with a towel as you step out of the bathroom and back into Zayn's bedroom.

"What did you say?" A soft husky voice catches you by surprise and you quickly glance over to see that Zayn was sitting up on the edge of the futon, a sad expression written across his face as he stares at you. His eyes looked tired but you could immediately see the sadness potruding through his chocolate and honey colored irises in the soft light.

Biting your lip, you turn away, angry at yourself for letting Zayn hear what you said. "It was nothing," you hurry, hoping that he would drop the subject. You knew that he would not, though.

After sitting back down on the soft mattress, you keep your gaze lowered as Zayn slowly walks over to his bed. He sits down beside you, the mattress dipping in from his weight.

"You know something?" he starts out quietly, scratching the back of his neck. You glance over quickly and make out Zayn's dark outline against the dim light from the window. He is staring straight ahead but you can tell that he feels down by the expression on his face. And it is because of what you said, you just know it. "Everyone is different," He finishes. "All in their own, unique, and amazing way." You feel his eyes staring at you after you bring your gaze back down to your hands, fiddling with them idly in your lap.

"Babe, you are beautiful. I wish you could see that," Zayn continues with his soft and deep voice, his accent lacing through it.

Shaking your head, you sigh, "But I'm not. I know I'm not. You're just saying those things to make me feel better-"

"No, I mean it," Zayn cuts you off. His voice cracks at the end, causing you to look up into his shadowed face. He swallows, causing his Adam's Apple to bob. "I really do. I can't stand it when you put yourself down like this. It hurts and saddens me to see you doing this to yourself. But you know what? I don't care how you look. You know why?"

As you shake your head, Zayn scoots closer and wraps his arms slowly around you, gently rubbing your back in small circles.

"Because I believe that it's who you are on the inside that counts," Zayn continues, his face buried in your hair as you lie in the crook of his neck, your arms around his waist. "And you are by far the most amazing person I have ever known. You are kind, funny, caring, faithful, intelligent, honest, and the most trustworthy girl that I have ever met in my entire life. I am so happy to be able to call you my girl. You are perfect to me with all your perfect imperfections. I love them because they are what make you, you. I don't think I could ever love someone half as much as I love you."

Tears prick your eyes as you lean against Zayn's body, staring at the window that was dripping with small raindrops. The rain seemed to let up since the beating had become softer. You and Zayn sit together in silence, listening to the distant rumbling of the thunderstorm. As you lay against his chest, Zayn strokes your hair and softly kisses the top of your head.

"I'm in love with you," he whispers quietly in a gentle tune, "and all your little things."

A small smile spreads across your face as you recognize the familiar song Zayn had written to you for your birthday. A knot forms in your throat as you realize that Zayn really truly loves you and your insecurities and that he should expect more from you after all he has done.

Zayn pulls away just enough so that you are able to look each other in the face. The sunlight had now become brighter and you were able to notice that Zayn's eyes were a little glossy even though he let no other sign of him crying show.

"I hate to see you so upset. You deserve to be happy. You're perfect to me no matter what you or anyone says," Zayn grins halfway and gently wipes away the tear off your cheek that had fallen without you knowing. "You are beautiful inside and out, and I love you with all my heart."

"I love you too, Zayn," you reply with a shaky sob. "I will try my best to always live up to your expectations because you deserve it."

Zayn stares at your face, grinning softly as he places his hand behind your head and kisses you gently on the forehead. Laying your head back on his chest, you and Zayn lie side by side on his bed, listening to the soft pitter-patter of rain in silence with a small smile on your face.

Hey everyone!

I hope you liked this imagine. I wrote it because I know that we all have insecurities... But we shouldn't let them get to us, because it's really who you are on the inside that matters the most. When you beautiful on the inside, it reflects yourself on the outside, and that's when you are really and truly a beautiful person. No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart. Please remember that you're all amazing, with all of your perfect imperfections. ;)

So... This is the last imagine I'm doing. This is so weird! I just want to say thank you to everyone who has liked the imagines and have read them. It really means a lot.

I will not be writing anymore, so this book will be completed. However, I will hopefully be writing some new official stories soon, so if you are interested, please stay tuned for any new books on my profile. :)

Thank you so much!


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