Zayn Confirms Your Relationship

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"Hey," Zayn grabs your attention from your phone you're playing with.

"Hm?" You grin, eyebrows rising, looking at Zayn.

"So, we have an interview today and I was wondering if you'd like to come with us? You could sit behind the camera," Zayn asks you hopefully, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh I'd love to," you agree.

Soon you, Paul, and the boys arrive at the building where the lads would be doing a live broadcast interview.

"Ready boys?" Asks Paul as he looks back at us in the van. "Remember, just go as fast as you can and get into the doors quickly."

As you look outside, you notice all the paparazzi and reporters ready to flash their cameras in the boys faces while asking them hundreds of questions all at once.

"Ready, love?" Zayn asks you with a worried tone as he takes your hand.

Nodding, you take a deep breath and as the van doors open, you and the rest of the lads rush out into the crowd.


"Zayn over here! Are you and that girl official?"

"Are you two dating?"

"How is your relationship going? Have you made it official Zayn?"

Comments and questions about you and Zayn are flown at you but Zayn protects you by wrapping his arm around your shoulders and successfully leads you into the building quickly.

"Haha, you okay?" Zayn grins after letting a quick sigh of relief escapes his lips.

"Yeah," you breathe back, smiling.

"I'll talk to you soon, love, bye" Zayn hugs you quickly before leaving with rest of the lads off towards the stage set up with bright lights and dozens of cameras.

Finding a seat in the audience, you sit down to watch the boys' interview with a woman speaker.

About halfway through the program, you notice that Zayn is starting to become bored.

Shifting in your seat, a smile forms on your lips as you watch Zayn's eyes move past the camera and rest on yours.

Right when he looks at you, you pull the mosy goofy face you can make and giggle silently as you watch Zayn try to suppress a chuckle as he shakes his head slightly.

Paul, who is up there with the boys as well, looks into the audience and finds your gaze. He chuckles when he realizes what you're doing but raises and eyebrow signaling for you to not distract the lads too much.

Zayn quickly brings himself back into the conversation with the interviewer after Paul nudges his side.

But a few seconds later, Zayn looks back at you again and this time he can't stop a small laugh as you cross your eyes and puff out your cheeks.

Louis elbows Zayn's side which causes him to jump.

"What? I'm sorry, can you repeat the question?" Zayn stutters, "My girlfriend is making goofy faces at me."

Zayn's eyes immediately widen after he realizes what he has said.

The jaw of the woman interviewer drops and your cheeks flush a bright red.

"Girlfriend?" The woman asks Zayn quickly.

You nod when Zayn looks to your for confirmation and he repeats the word.

"Girlfriend," he smiles, face brightening.

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