Chapter One

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Chapter One

Dirt lady was gone, yet Leo felt like the weight of the sky was on his shoulders—fortunately, he did not speak from experience, unlike Percy and Annabeth.

Everyone was at Mount Olympus (the one on top of the Empire State Building) celebrating. Leo knew that Percy was right about the parties they held, so far, it was amazing! But Leo’s heart just wasn’t in it. In fact, his heart was far away, still trapped on an island called Ogygia, with a girl named Calypso.

Leo had sworn on the River Styx that he would come back for her when he had left right after she kissed him, and now he felt the weight of that oath coming to haunt him. But just like before, Leo didn’t care. He would carry out his promise.

When no one was watching, Leo crept out of the hall, and started slinking back to the bridge that connected the mortal world to Mount Olympus, the home of the gods.

Just before Leo reached the elevator, a blinding light shone before him, and—out of reflex—he shielded his eyes. A good thing too, for when the light dimmed and he turned back around, Apollo was standing before him.

Out of polite respect, Leo bowed gently, after all, there was a god in front of him. Before he could speak, however, Apollo started talking first.

“It will not be easy,” Apollo warned.

“I know,” Leo answered, he knew exactly what Apollo was talking about.

“It may even be impossible,” Apollo continued.

“I know,” Leo said again.

“If you must continue, then I wish you the best of luck,” Apollo grinned. “You made a serious oath, but I suspect you mean to fulfill it.”

Leo nodded and said, “I do.” Sensing the conversation had come to an end, Leo ventured a question. “Lord Apollo, how did you know what I was doing, and how did you know I swore on the River Styx?”

Apollo just winked at him and said simply, “I’m the god of prophecies, I know these things.”

With that, Apollo began to brighten, so Leo averted his eyes until the glow was gone.

Leo stepped into the elevator, and as the cheap music played, he thought to himself, Calypso. I will find you again.

“Going somewhere?” a voice said. Leo looked to his left as he stepped out of the elevator, and none other than Percy Jackson was there. He was leaning casually on the side of the elevator Leo was looking at, and Percy’s arms were crossed over his chest.

“What are you doing down here?” Leo asked, his voice wavering.

“Fresh air,” Percy replied. “Getting away from all the madness. You never answered my question, you know. Are you going somewhere?”

“I’m searching for someone,” Leo admitted.

“Calypso,” Percy stated.


“She said no hero can ever find Ogygia twice,” Percy reminded him.

“I am aware,” Leo said.

“Good. You’re really going through with this?”


“Then, good luck, and I’ll see you soon, my friend,” Percy said.

Leo nodded, and began to walk away, but Percy stopped him. “Leo?”

“Yeah?” Leo asked.

“Tell her I’m sorry, will you?” Percy questioned.

Leo nodded and said with a grin, “Don’t miss me too much.”

“Never,” Percy agreed. He smiled and gave Leo hand-shake slash bro-hug, and Leo’s last image of the two-time saviour of olympus for a while was of him greeting Annabeth as she stepped out of the elevator.

Leo watched how they were happy, and told himself, I’ll have that soon too. Just be patient. Leo nodded to himself with newfound courage, and caught a taxi to camp.

He didn’t stop anywhere on his way to Bunker Nine, except for his cabin to grab a few belongings. He managed to evade questioning, but Chiron caught him just as he was about to leave. He wasn’t as worried about Chiron, Leo was more worried about the figure on his back.

Uh-oh, Leo thought.

Sitting on the old centaur, was the Oracle of Delphi, Rachel Elizabeth Dare.

Written by Volleyballstar11

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