Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

“Calypso?” Leo said again in concern this time, for he heard somewhat muffled sobs coming from the cave. “Calypso?” Leo said louder as he walked farther into the cave.

Leo watched Calypso’s back and guessed she was wiping away her tears. “I told you to leave me alone, Zylon,” Calypso said as she turned to face Leo.

Leo grinned in a sarcastic way and said, “I’m not Zylon.”

“Leo?” Calypso said in disbelief.

“I made a promise to come back to you,” Leo said. “I wasn’t planning on breaking it.”

Calypso rushed forward and instead of hugging him like he expected, she stopped right in front of him and slapped him.

“What was that for?” Leo asked as he cradled his cheek.

“You swore on the River Styx, didn’t you?”

Leo lowered his head sheepishly and mumbled, “Yeah.”

“You shouldn’t have done that,” Calypso complained. “You could’ve died if you didn’t make it back here. Speaking of which, how did you come back? No hero has ever landed on Ogygia twice.”

“Prophecy,” Leo said. “And I thought you would like it that I returned. Instead I find another guy on this island.”

“You know I can’t determine when a hero will wash up on my shores. And it’s not my fault he won’t leave,” Calypso explained. “I hate Zylon!”

“Then why is he still here?” Leo asked, anger laced in his voice.

“I don’t know! He refuses to leave!” Calypso shouted.

“I bet that it’s because you like him, and never told him he could leave,” Leo said.

“You know that’s not the truth!” Calypso shouted after Leo as he turned to leave, but he was already gone.

“She loves me. She loves me not. She loves me. She loves me not.”

Leo felt totally cliché as he tore the petals one by one off of a flower—that he had picked from the ground—as he spoke.

Leo threw the flower to the ground after he had rid it of all of its petals.

He stood up and began walking around the island when he heard a noise that sounded like a sword. He ran to the noise and found the other guy Zylon hacking away at a tree.

“Who are you?” Zylon asked before Leo could hide from his view.

“Leo,” Leo said.

“Zylon,” Zylon replied. “How’d you get here?”

“Volcano; Prophecy,” Leo answered.

“Griffin: Dropped me from way up high into the ocean during a quest,” Zylon stated.

“Ah,” Leo said.

“You seen Calypso yet?” Zylon asked.

“Yeah,” Leo replied glumly.

“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”

“Yup,” Leo said.

“Well she’s mine,” Zylon snapped as he returned to hacking away at his tree. “I got here first, and I really like her. I might—in fact—love her. Keep your distance.”

“Why?” Leo said. “Why do you automatically get claim over her?”

“Uh, I thought I already made it clear,” Zylon said as he turned around and stabbed his sword into the dirt. “I was here first.”

Leo rolled his eyes as he turned around and thought to himself, O . . . kay. Someone has a large ego.

Leo ran back to Calypso’s cave to apologize and ask for her forgiveness. He had been stupid, and was blind to his own jealousy.

“Twelve minutes,” Calypso said as soon as Leo came into her view.

“What?” Leo asked in bewilderment.

“It took you twelve minutes to come back,” Calypso explained. “Let me guess, ‘I’m sorry! Please forgive me, I was wrong. Zylon is a jerk and I’m glad you’re not with him’?”

Leo considered what she had said, cocked his head to the side, nodded and said, “Nailed it.”

Calypso laughed and said, “I do forgive you, however.”

“Good. Also, I think Zylon can’t leave because you don’t love him,” Leo said. “Isn’t your curse supposed to be something like a hero can’t leave until you’ve fallen in love with him?”

“Sort of,” Calypso replied. “I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. Zylon might have to stay, then, because I despise him.

“Good,” Leo breathed and pulled her to him so that their lips connected.

Written by Volleyballstar11

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