Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

"Oh, you’re so annoying!”

“Uhhh . . . ?” Leo groaned as he sat up and clutched his head.

“You know you love me.”

“I hate you!”

What is all that noise? Leo thought as he continued to rub his head.

“I better go find out,” Leo said when his headache lessened.

Leo began to wander around the beach he had landed on. As he walked, he remembered that he had erupted Mt. St. Helens again, and before he passed out, he remembered floating in the ocean until he felt sand under his back.

This must be the beach I landed on, Leo thought. I sure hope it’s Ogygia.

Leo wandered across the beach until it started to slant upwards. Leo followed the slant, as well as the voices that (although had previously been yelling), now seemed to be screaming and screeching.

The voice Leo had first heard was definitely a girl’s voice, and the second voice Leo had heard was, questionably, a boy’s. Leo crept toward the racket.

Leo poked a tree branch away from his head and moved a few leaves out of his view as he knelt down in the sand. He spied on the two people he heard. There was one girl and one boy arguing. The boy was trying to advance on the girl, while she was trying to get away from him.

As soon as the girl turned her head in Leo’s direction—even if it was for a split second—Leo recognized her.

He had made it there.

He had made it to her.

He had made it to Ogygia.

He had made it to Calypso.

Calypso! Leo thought. He was just about to shout her name, when a thought struck him. What’s up with the dude?

Why is he here?

Did you really think no other demigods would be sent here? the voice in his head snapped at him.

Shut up, Leo spit back. I knew, I just didn’t want to believe it.

“I made a vow to come back,” Leo said to himself. “If only whoever that guy is wasn’t here.”

“Why won’t you leave, Zylon?” Calypso shouted at the guy. Apparently, his name was Zylon.

“Maybe, because I don’t want to,” Zylon countered in a calm voice.

Calypso’s voice dropped as well. “Go away. Give me some time alone, or I swear, you don’t want to know what I can do.”

Luckily, Zylon seemed to know Calypso meant business, and retreated to somewhere else on the island.

Calypso walked off to her cave, muttering herself, and Leo followed silently. He still didn’t understand why that guy was on Ogygia, but Leo figured he didn’t understand it because of his own ignorance. Leo was just happy he was on Ogygia, and near Calypso.

Leo approached the entrance to the cave and spoke one word in a cautious tone.


Written by Volleyballstar11 (We're working on writing longer chapters.)

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