I hate your lies

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Zach's POV

"Harry, kill it!" I screamed from on top of the table in my kitchen.

"What are you tal- ooh my god that's a huge fucking spider!" He screamed, running away and leaving me stranded with a giant brown spider.

"Liam! Zayn, anyone!!" I yelled, horrified as a the spider sat on the tiled floor. "Harry come back and kill it!"

"No! I refuse to!" he hollered from the other room.

"Harry I swear to god! Ooh fucking god IT MOVED," I shrieked moving farther away from the spawn of Satan as it crawled a few feet before stopping again. "Get Corey, NOW!"

"Don't you remember that you two are done? He's not going to kill a spider for you!" Harry yelled, still in the other room.

"What's with all the yelling." Liam asked as he walked into the room.

"Spider!" I yelled pointing at the monstrosity.

"Ooh umm..." Liam said grabbing a cup and a piece of paper. He herded the spider with his shoes onto the paper and placed the cup overtop "Got it, no problem." he said looking up at me smiling before tiling the cup and paper upside down and heading towards the door. I climbed down from the table slowly.

"Thanks for that." I said, blushing for my cowardlyness over a silly spider.

"Hey its no problem man, we all fear something right?" He patted my shoulder before throwing away the paper and placing the cup in to the sink. "So I heard from all the yelling that it's official. You and Corey are done."

"Yeah..." I sat down in the wooden chair next to me.

"If you don't mind me asking why did you two break up, like I heard about it a little yesterday but I don't really know all that much." He said as he sat on the otherside of the table.

My breath caught in my throat as I weighed my options. I could tell him the truth and risk my chance of having any significant relationship with him as he would know how much of a jerk I was, or, I could lie protecting myself, plus Harry won't say anything and Corey wouldn't be a affected at all. Oh geez, I'm going to be in for it if I get caught.

"Well...Umm, we were already on a down hill spiral as he wasn't always all that nice to me and we would get into these arguments. So basically, the tipping point was yesterday when I left your place and went to Corey's. Well when I got there Corey flipped out on me as apparently I forgot to do something that I didn't and he claimed that I was a 'god awful person' and a 'worthless gay'."

Liam's face was red and his hands where clenched.

"What an ass. Just out of curiousity do you know if hes going to work today, if you dont mind me asking?"

"Yeah he's there almost every day so he should already be there." Why would he want to know when Corey was going to work? Strange, but it's not like he's going to do anything...right?

"Ooh okay, I'm glad we talked, and remember what I was saying yesterday. I'm here for you if you need me." With that Liam shot me a smile and headed out of the room, leaving me alone to think over what I just did.

Corey's POV

"How big is he!" Seirra exclaimed as she stared at Brutice with Luke and I.

"Ahh he's around 16 feet long and he's capable of growing to around 35 feet as he's a reticulated python the longest, known, living snake in the world even rivaling the massive andiconda." I stated as I would if I was doing a tour.

"What do you feed him?" Luke asked as Brutice yawned showing his expansive mouth and hundreds of dagger like teeth.

"Pre-killed goats and geese which he constricts and eats in around, a half an hour." I said turning towards them.

"We only have to feed him about once a month as large constrictors digest slowly."

"Let's move on," Seirra said with a shudder. "So how's it like being an animal keeper?"

"Its great, just being able to educate people about the animals. It doesn't even feel like work most of the time. Plus I don't have to purchase tanks anymore as I get used ones from here and once one of my pets grow too big I can bring them here and they'll allow me to put them on display like Albrone. You remember him right Seirra?" I said turning towards her as Luke stared confusingly at us.

"That fish that would always come up to the front of the tank and get all excited?" She asked.

"Yeah you should see him now." I laughed and headed down the hall.

"And Luke I basically have a Zoo at my house full of animals and its been like that since I was around 12 so a lot of my childhood pets are rather large."

"Ooh I get it! I think..." He said as we passed multiple tanks varying in size.

"He's right down here." I turned and walked down several sets of stairs before coming up to a gigantic spread out of glass that showed nothing but murk blue water.

"I'm not seeing anything." Seirra said going up to the glass.

"Well we actually connected this 'tank' to the outdoor pond so he and the few other fish in here can go back and forth as they please, meaning they're harder to see from this point of view, but its better for them. Yet even with all this room Albrone, being the attention hog he is, comes running when he thinks someone's at this window, you should see him when guest with small kids come down here, he flips out." I laughed at the memory's before coming up to the glass and knocked twice lightly with my knuckle waiting for the giant brute to come into veiw.

I stepped back and looked over to Luke and Seirra as a large dark shape swam along the edge of our view before dissapearing into the murky water. I smirked as Seirra got close to the glass trying to peer into the darkness.

"Holy shit!" She screamed in suprise falling backwards onto the floor, as a giant fish swam the langth of the tank and back excitedly.

"Say hi to Albrone." I laughed as both of them stared wide eyed at him.

"That can't be him," she stayed staring at him "He wasn't nearly this big when you left a couple months ago."

"How big is he?" Luke asked moving closer.

I got close to the tank causing Albrone to break from his pattern and swim fast first into the glass where I stood. "Well when we last measured him he was 35 pounds which is very large for his species, and he's still growing. He got this big of all this extra space and plus he gets twice the amount of food he used to. Not only do we stock the pond and feed him, but also other animals wander into the water and well, you can tell the rest."

"You!" Someone screamed causing me to turn quickly scaring Albrone into the darkness

"You are a horrible disgusting person!" He screamed.

"Me?" I questioned looking over at Luke and Seirra.

"Yes you! You hurt the best person on the world and you don't even remember it?" He stopped a few feet away glaring at me.

"No I didn't hurt Seirra or Luke." I said confused, earning laughter from both.

"Not them you ass!" He came closer. "You destroyed Zach all over something so stupid and said the worst things possible!"

I was astonished by the apparent lie Zach told this rather familiar looking guy. "Uh I don't know who you are first off and secondly that's a complete lie."

"Im Liam fucking Payne and you messed with my friend so you mess with me!" He pulled his arm back and swung.

Sorry if this is terrible I wrote this one all by myself during an all nighter so my brain is pretty lost, sorry!


What do you mean 'sorry if this is terrible' this was brilliant! All credit to him because he wrote this himself I applaud you damn.

~ Michelle <3

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