Lost and forgotten...

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This is going to be a long chapter so POV's are going to change a lot! Like not even kidding their going to change very frequintly, so bare with us. Ooh and tell us if you do or don't want us to do another chapter like this.

(I just listened to "Gotten) by slash (ft. Abam Levine) and it sums this book up really, really well)

Luke's POV

My blood was boiling as Corey limped towards the door leading the way to where this Zach guy works.

"Here Corey I got it." I pushed the heavy door open holding it for both of them.

"Thanks, the beating I just received hurt both my arms and legs," Corey said wincing as he walked into the light. "You never realize how dark it is in there until you come back outside."

"Shut up cripple." Seirra said rather rudely in my opinion.

"What was that for?" I asked, slightly mad that she's being a jerk after what just happened.

She laughed. "Ooh god you have no clue I forgot. Corey and I go way back and the way we joke is lightly insulting each other." She sassly said as if I was an annoying child.

Corey nodded, wincing as he took another step. Alright that's it. "Here get on my back I'll carry you."

"Its okay, pain just reminds me not to do something again, which in this case isn't running when I had the chance." He said, breathing heavily.

Seirra scoffed. "You're not in the wilderness so you don't have to worry about that!"

"Actually nearly every single rule in nature also is essential in human life. For example only the strong survive, if you are not mentally strong then you're not going to get picked for a job meaning no money, food, home or mate so your genes won't get passed on." I stared at him at him in disbelief.

"Just shut up and get on or I'll just have to pick you up." I said making it clear he wasn't going to be walking there.

"Luke I'm fine." Corey whinned like a child.

"Just choose one." I said as I walked up to him, just now noticing how I stood a full head taller than him.

"No," he crossed his arms, "and you can't make me choose anyways."

"You're right but I can do this." I bent over and picked him up bridal style.

"Put me down!"

"Nope, now let's find that stand." I said, heading off with Corey still in my arms.

"See the plus side of being so small is that people can carry you!" Seirra teased, earning a glare from him.

"Ooh be quiet Seirra! It's just that way, go down there." He lifted his arm and pointed down a path overhung by trees.

"Alrighty." I turned down the path.

"You can put me down Luke." he said squirming.

"No its all good your pretty light." I lifted him up a little more showing how easy it was.

"Hardy har har, very funny" Corey said turning away from me.

"Calm down Corey I'm only teasing you, forgive me." I stopped staring at his turned head pouting.

He turned at me glaring before mumbling a fine.

"It's right behind that building, now if you put me down I'll be going now. Even if you guys are here I'm at work."

I placed him down on the brick path. "That's true, Seirra you should go with him I'll meet up with you guys once I'm done."

Seirra looked at me as if I was crazy. "I'm not leaving you to have all the fun!"

The Boy Across The Lake (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now