Chapter 5: Found.

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Niall's POV

I feel like I've been in this locker for hours and I stopped banging a while ago realizing everyone was eithier still in lunch or free time. As I said before i'm EXTREMELY claustrophobic and I feel the cold metal walls of the locker closing in on me as I stop banging.

Feeling a little light headed now I slouch against the back wall of the locker but it being so small I have to rest my head on the front wall. I begin to fall in and out of concouisness, my chest feeling restricted. Dried up blood runs down my face and im surprised I didnt pass out by loosing so much blood yet.Damn Josh and that fucking ring.

Why me? Why does this always happen to me, but Im still not telling anyone im mute. I rather them think im shy or a social outcast then think im mentally unstable so i can't talk, well thats what the kids from my old school would say.

I remember when it all started the day I accidently used sign language and this kid made fun of me. Well not a kid, it was him. Ed fucking sheeran. I shiver at the thought of him and run my finger lightly over all of the scars he's given me to see forever.

I begin to think about my old choices that I was starting to think were the best things I could've done. Like cutting or starving myself. I was constantly called ugly in my old school and Bobby always called me fat so you could imagine how self concious I was growing up. I still remember the day Ed and his friends beat me up calling me names like worthless and ugly and pathetic and how my teeth were as ugly as my face.

Then there was that day. I had been saving up for months since Bobby wouldn't get me insurance. I walked to the orthodontist and slammed all the money I had on the table and demanded I get braces. I knew I needed them and so did everyone else so I saved up all my money and got braces.

Of course I got your normal stereotypical names like brace face and train track teeth and such but I didnt care because on the day I graduate I could finally move out and get my braces off and I could live my life. The life I always wanted.

I smiled weakly to myself feeling the life practically getting sucked out of me while I think.

'Wow my first day of school and Im already dying, thats a new record Niall"

I begin to whimper at the pain of the leather belt tightening right where Bobby grabbed me this morning. I start to feel dizzy and start to drift in and out slightly crying.

I begin to get pulled out of the thought of my pain when I hear a voice. "Hello...Is anybody here?" I begin to furiously bang on the door taking all the energy I have until I pass out in the dark small locker.

Liam's POV (drama ahead XD )

"Niall?..." Oh my goodness. I cover my hand over my mouth in pure shock.

Right in front of me was my angel, unconsious covered in blood and I think water. His hands are tied behind his back and his tightly with a leather belt and an apple is gagging him. His face cover in blood and gashes from where he was hit, looks like the person had a ring on. I automatically untie him and take the apple from his mouth and wipe his face with the sleeve of my jumper, not caring about getting any blood on it.

"Niall... Niall please wake up..." I beg shaking him. My eyes begin to blur with unshed tears feeling sudden hatred for whoever did this to him. I focus back to Niall as I feel him squirm under me.

"Niall, wake up please" His eyes slowly begin to flutter open. He takes a while settling in on the atmosphere surrounding him until he notices me hovering ovre him in worry. I go to reach out for him and he flinches and scoots away from me curling into a little ball and whimpering.

I sigh and slowly inch towards him. "Niall its okay its me Liam, remember?" A look of sudden realization dawns over him and he quickly jumps into my arms. I wrap my arms around him with no hesitation. I rub my hand in circles on his back, his shoulders shaking immensly telling me he's crying.

"Hey dont cry everythings alright now okay" I say soothingly trying to calm the blonde haired lad in my arms. He nods his head and takes deep breathe, some hitching to short breathes as he tries not to cry more.

"Why don't I bring you to the nurse so she can check up on you and send you home to rest okay?" He quickly shakes his head no and backs away from with wide eyes, tears begin to build up again as he slides down the wall clutching his chest struggling to breathe. His eyes slowly begin to flutter closed again ready to pass out.

"NO Niall stay with me okay" I say rushing to his side shaking him to keep him awake. He could have a concussion and if he falls asleep or passes out he might not wake up.

Niall's POV

I can't let him bring me home. I can't go home. Not yet. Bobby with be outraged if he finds out I was sent home early. He would beat me into a pulp and at this time he probably wouldn't even be drunk. I shake my head and back up against the wall.

I see Liam aproaching me but my unshed tears and heavy eyelids prevent me from seeing his beautiful face clearly.

"NO Niall stay with me okay" Liam says, his voice laced with concern and distress. I nod my head but I feel my eyelids fluttering closed as my eyes start rolling to the back of my head, I dont want to scare him so I keep my head down.

"Niall your gonna be okay" I look up to see him crying.

Soon I feel two strong arms wrap around my torso and behing my knees and Im being held up to someones chest.

I feel them stand up and begin to walk, slowly turning into a fast walk to a slight jog.

"HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP" I recognize the person as Liam's voice. I look up one last time to see Liam sobbing uncontrolably while running.

"Your gonna be okay" He reassures me and himself again as I feel myself drifting up to a hole of blackness.

"Please be okay." I hear Liam whisper in my ear until Im engulfed into a spiralling black abyss.


Welp that sure was some dramtic shit up there wasn't it?!

Josh is being a little Bitch tho -.-

What do you think is gonna happen to Nialler and Liam?

Will Niall tell Liam the truth

It took me like 2 hours to come up with a damn title that ended up being one fucking word :/

Sorry im a potty mouth but oh well :3

I really want to start making longer chapters but I like being an asshole and cliffhangering y'all

If someone could please make me a kick ass cover for this book that would be great cuz i just write Im not creative enough to make a damn book cover :)

Anyyywhoree Ima go now

I always wondered if y'all read these things?

If you do comment your favorite person from one direction!!

Mine is currently Niall

I can never pick so I change my favorite like every 2 days lol

Im lame any wayyy


-Erica Xxx


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