Chapter 12: Speak of the devil.

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Lately me and Niall have been "sharing" a lot. I don't mean like we share food sometimes or something (which is impossible anyway because we all know Niall's stomach can be a black hole sometimes but he's really bony which worries me) no, i mean we share kisses, hugs, cuddles, clothes... not for that reason you pervs! We have just been feeling really comfortable around each other lately.

Its been about a month since that last kiss on our first night moving in together and that sparked something and started this all. I haven't made it official because... well. I'm scared okay! Yes me, Liam James Payne is scared. Not of asking him out but im scared of being rejected. Not feeling wanted you know?

I want to ask him out but every time I try its bad timing or something so I took that as fate saying SLOW THE FUCK DOWN LIAM AND MAKE IT SPECIAL! So I am. I planned the best date with by far the best ending!

Everything has been going smoothly this past month for us except for the occasional nightmares Niall has. I feel bad for him sometimes because the times I felt my life was horrible Niall had no one. His mom is gone and his dad hated him.

He refuses to speak for anyone and sometimes that makes me sad and I know its a bit selfish for me to say this but I want Niall to speak for me. Only me. Or at least I want his first words to be to me. I want to tell him how beautiful he is and as much as I love his little kisses and hugs he gives me in exchange I want a real thank you or even an I love you but I know he doesn't love me. I just know it...


I think I'm in love with Liam. I know he doesn't feel the same way and is probably dealing with me out of pity but he's just perfection. School is horrible. When Liam ask me about my day I say it was great but in reality its possible it got worse over the past month. I guess I'm just good at hiding my bruises and the new cuts I carve into my skin.

I'm surprised Liam hasn't noticed with the surprisingly hot weather lately in Wolverhampton I've been dying inside these stupid jumpers and long sleeves. I don't even know how I convinced the doctor to not saying anything about my self harm to Liam. I guess she just felt bad I had gotten raped and didn't want to drop another bomb on Liam.

I put my things into my locker and go to grab my lock from the hook inside of it. Some cheerleaders pass me in the hallway gossiping as usual about some new kid that just transferred here and apparently came here from Juvie or whatever. I'm sure its not true, Liam told me that when Zayn first moved her from Bradford people made up a rumor he escaped from Juvie after killing his uncle.

Stupid I know and I guess if you first saw him you might believe it with his spiky quiffed hair and his leather jacket and his black Harley Davidson but he really is a sweet quiet guy. Quite mysterious if you ask me.

I turn my head to subtly listen to the gossip but turn my head when they look at me and scoff in disgust. Lovely school here isn't it (note my sarcasm). I shake my head and turn back to face my locker when it suddenly slams shut. I jump back and yelp and turn to look at who practically killed me. Of course. Josh Devine. Looking particularly douchey today if I say so myself.

" Hey leprechaun" he says obnoxiously. I roll my eyes and try my best to ignore him until I'm knocked to the floor quite harshly.

" I thought I told you to acknowledge me when Im speaking to you. I know your a mute freak but at least look at me". I shake in fear and jump when my hair is being pulled up as my head turns to look at my enemy.

"That's a good little queer" Josh says through gritted teeth. He pulls me up more by my hair and I gasp loudly and reach my hands up trying to pry his nasty flesh off of me. He then throws me back as the bell rings. He looks at me and spits as he snickers and walks away shaking his head.

My eyes start to water but I shake it off and get back up to collect my stuff and walk to class. I walk into class and head towards my normal seat in the back. I watch as everyone looks at me as if I have a disease and sit as far away from me as they can. Even though it may seem depressing, I actually enjoy my alone time. The teacher hasn't entered the room so I guess she is printing out stuff or just running late so I put my head down and try to sleep. I hear a door open and close and heels clicking so I'm guessing that's her but I keep my head down.

" Sorry for running late class but I had to get some paperwork for a new student. Everyone this is our new student Edward Sheeran. So Edward tell us a bit about yourself?" I freeze in my thoughts ' It can't be. NO. This isn't happening'' I think to myself refusing to look up.

" Hi. Um my name is Edward but I go by Ed haha and Um I'm from Mullingar, Ireland. I just moved here. Obviously, I don't usually speak in front of people so sorry this is crap. And that's pretty much it" I hear his familiar voice and cringe. My eyes start to water as I think about the past.

" Well nice to meet you Ed. Why don't you take a seat next to um- Oh Niall Horan. Niall please raise your hand" I freeze again and my eyes go wide I calm my hyperventilated breather and slowly bring my head up. I raise my hand slowly and Ed's eyes travel to mine. I feel like I'm on fire as I see him smirk at me and make his way over.

"Nice seeing you again. Faggot"



I know i havent updated since like fucking March and Im sorry but Im lazy. No excuses. Just Lazy lol I had a disease called writers block.

Anywayyyy Loook whos back :O NOO Ed. ( I actually love Ed lol) But what do y'all think will happen??

Comment. Share. Follow meh. Rate XD

This story is dedicated to NiamPenguin for the Idea alsoooo So thankss This is part of your comment but I though Ed would spark things up a bit lolol

Loves y'all - Erica <3

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