Chapter 11: Small Adjustments.

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Liams POV

I've been living with Niall for almost a week now, and with the new adjustments we made, I'd like to say were doing good. On the first day we got there we threw away all of Bobby's old stuff and my mom loaned me money for new furniture. We started painting all the rooms a few days ago because Niall said it was too "dull and plain and boring".

Now we both sleep in the upstairs rooms in case we need anything. Niall is still using his room. I got the old guest room and we made Bobby's room and the old storage room into guest rooms. I even brought all my old gaming stuff here so its feeling at home already.

Im currently laying in my bed. Its really dark but I just cant sleep for some reason. I turn around to look at my alarm clock that reads 2:34 a.m. Well guess I'm not going to sleep anytime soon. I decide to just close my eyes and rest until I fall asleep. I'm drifting into unconsciousness when I hear a blood curdling scream and a cry. I jump up and run to Nialls room.

I burst into the door and see Niall covered by his covers whimpering. I run up to his bed and pull the blanket off. He jumps a little and pulls his head into his pillow more.

"Niall calm down its just me. Liam. Its okay. It was just a dream. Everything's going to be okay. I've got you" I whisper into his ear while rubbing his back. He slowly lifts his head from his pillow and looks at me with unshed tears in his eyes.

"Liam?" He signs uncertain. I nod my head and he immediately jumps into my lap, still mildly shaking. I rub his back a little more and kiss him right below his earlobe.

"Did you have a nightmare?" I ask slowly. He nods, not removing his head from my shoulder.

"Do you want to sleep in my room for tonight?" I ask silently hoping he will say yes.

He nods a little and looks up at me. "Yes please" He signs. I smile and scoop him up into my arms and he giggles a little bit.

I carry him to my room and gently lay him down on my bed. He scoots over, his back touching the wall and I lay down next to him and pull the covers over both of us. I feel a little uncomfortable and awkward and by the look on his face he feels the same.

I shuffle towards him and open my arms, he smiles wide and snuggles up to me, his face in my chest and my head on top of his. My arms wrapped protectively around his waist and his arms pulled to his chest, his small pale hands clutching at my shirt like I'm going to disappear any second.

" Niall. Its okay. Its was just a dream. I'm not going to leave you" I say, attempting to comfort the small lad. He looks up at me and I see the unshed tears surrounding his blue irises.

" Why not?" He signs.

" What do you mean why not?" I ask confused.

" Why wont you leave me? Everyone else has. Just follow them and get away from me. I'm nothing but trouble to everyone." Niall says looking down. I tilt his head back up and smile. I lean close to his face and look at his beautiful pale skin glowing in the moonlight.

" Then I guess I'm different then." I whisper, our lips brushing before I finally close the gap between us.

************************** READ A/N BELOW FOR CONTEST INFO.!!!!!!! XD ***************************



Sorry I haven't been updating I just have school and such going on -.- ew.

Welp I didn't make this chappie as long as I wanted but Oh wells :/

oh also SURPRISE and entire chapter in Liams POV (say whaaaa?)

Also thanks guys for getting me to 1,000 reads!!!!! Im soooooo happy and you guys just inspire me to make more chapters and keep going!

ALSO as a bonus for getting me to 1,000 reads on my first story EVAAA Im doing a little contest :)

What the contest is : This contest will be for multiple things!

#1 : Chapter entries ~ I am letting one of my lovely readers decide what is going to happen next in the next few chapters !! ( different people each time). You can Inbox me or comment but unless you want someone to steal your Idea, I suggest you Inbox me!

#2 : Zayns Girlfriend ~ The title explains all. If you want to be Nialls girlfriend just comment blow a brief description of you. ( what you look like, what you act like, your style etc.)

Also to join you guys must like this story and Follow me and just comment the word CONTEST ENTRIE below :) ( even if your inboxing)

I'm not trying to cheat y'all out of giving me likes and such but It just makes you more noticeable!

ANYWHORE.... Comment #NIAM and/or #GETITLIAM below lol

Thanks! Love Y'all

-Erica :) <3 XOXOX

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