«Chapter 1»

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^My terrible edit^

"The body found on the beach last week was finally identified as 24 year old, David Peters. The victim was supposedly traveling alone but was pronounced missing when a family member hadn't heard from him in a few days. Officials haven't released the details yet on if this was just a vacation gone bad or if the Cuba killer has struck again." I shook my head at the tv as the man behind the counter sighed.

"What a time to come visit our beautiful town, eh?" A guy next to me asks sarcastically.

I just shook my head. "You just gotta be careful and take precautions more then you usually should when on vacation." I said and the man nodded.

"It's scared away so many tourists, sucks for me because that's how I make a living. Not that that's very important with what's going on, terrible it is. I actually met a guy that got killed by that monster." The guy tells me and I nod sadly.

I look up at him and I bite my lip as I look him over. He had blonde hair, blue eyes, he looked tall. He looked like a typical surfer dude.

"What do you do?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I'm a travel guide of some kind I guess you could say. I'm basically a taxi I guess." The man shrugged and I nodded.

"My names Ashton." I said and held my hand out. He smiled and took it.


I gave him a big smile and he grinned at me. "So how long you here for?" He asked me and I shrugged.

"Well as long as I like I guess. I was gonna stay a few weeks then head on down to Puerto Rico after, but I don't know. This place just is really beautiful and I think I might stay a little longer." I rambled and Luke nodded.

"So you're just traveling? You're not on your honeymoon or anything like that?" Luke asked and if I didn't know any better I'd think he was flirting.

I nodded my head. "I'm actually traveling alone for now. I just needed an adventure, you know? I got out of school and then went to college but it was just so boring. And I decided, screw it. I might as well just live my life and not sit in a classroom all day, learning about medicine and stuff when I don't even want to be a doctor anymore. Ah, I'm rambling, sorry about that." I laughed, though it sounded more like a giggle and the guy smiled.

"No problem. But hey I gotta go, if you ever need a guide while you're here, call me." He handed me his card and I smiled, taking it.

"Thank you." I mumbled and he nodded, leaving the little store.

I bit my lip as I looked back up at the tv screen. It was really sad. How could someone just kill innocent people?

I sighed and grabbed a few things before paying the man at the counter and opening the door, holding it as a women walked through. I gave her a smile and head on my way back to the hotel room.

On my way there I noticed a car that seemed to be following me but I just shrugged it off as my imagination.

When I was only 10 minutes from the hotel, I got a dark feeling in the pit of my stomach. I put my hands in my pocket as I peeked behind me at the car that was still a little ways behind me. If they wanted to pass they could.

I took a deep breath and shook my head, I was just being paranoid.

But as I started to venture further I realized that the road was now deserted of people besides me and the car behind me. My hands started to sweat and I picked up my pace.

I walked into the small patch of trees and sped up so I was almost running. But I slowed down as I didn't hear the sound of an engine anymore. I turned my head slightly to see that the car was no where in sight anymore.

I let out a breath and turned back around, jumping almost 5 feet in the air when I saw the guy from earlier, Luke.

He was leaning against a tree, the car from before parked on the other side of the trees.

I hesitantly walked forward again, trying to ignore him as I walked past. He had something in his hands and I gulped when I saw it was a knife. What the hell was he doing?

I gave him a smile and quickly walked past.

"Not even a hello?" Luke asked and I slowly turned around.

"Hello." I said and went to turn around again when he laughed and it sent chills down my spine.

"You have a beautiful smile. It's a shame to get rid of it." I raised an eyebrow in confusion, not wanting to believe the conclusion I was coming to.

"Uh, what're you doing out here? I mean you're all alone and no offense but you look really creepy and you might want to be careful because if someone walked by they might think you were that Cuba killer." I said really fast but he didn't seem fazed.

He slowly looked up at me and smiled. "Well they wouldn't be wrong."

My eyes went wide and his smile turned into a smirk.

My nostrils flared in anger and I glared at him. I should be scared, terrified yet all I wanted to do was slap this guy. Why am I not running? Am I dumb? I must be dumb.

"You worthless piece of trash! How dare you!" I yelled and he seemed taken aback. Probably wasn't the reaction he was looking for.

"What?" He asked, his voice laced with anger.

"How can you take the lives of innocent people and not care?! You're pathetic! You're a disgrace! Scum!" I yelled and he glared at me but it quickly turned to confusion.

"You're not scared. Why aren't you scared?" He asked and I clenched my teeth.

"Why should I be? You're pathetic! If you're gonna kill me then go ahead and try but I'm not going down without a fight." I clenched my fists, ready to fight him back and run if he tried to come at me.

He shook his head and laughed. "You're too adorable. You think you could win against me?" He asks with an amused smile.

I just glared and raised my fists, causing him to laugh again. "Oh, I can't wait to make you scared of me." He muttered and walked towards me.

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