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I crouch down to Olivia, whose sobbing. She sits up as I rip the tape off of her mouth. She takes a big gasp, tears streaming down her face.

"Darcy, you have to go." She sobs as I tell Maddy to get a knife from the kitchen to cut this rope.

"I'm not leaving here without you." I choke, feeling the fresh tears sting my eyes, trying to untie the mess.

Maddy returns with a kitchen knife and I take it, cutting Olivia's rope. And the first thing she does is wrap her arms around me and hug me.

"C'mon." I choke, standing to my feet, bringing her with me. "We need to go."

She just nods, as I grab her hand and lead her out the door. We rush down the steps and to my car, getting in along with Maddy and Mason.

I start the car up again and drive off, heading for the highway.

"What's going on?" Olivia cries. "Who were they?"

"They killed my father." I say. "And they're after me now. Me and all my loved ones."

"And where are we supposed to go?" She asks.

"I don't know." I say honestly, not really knowing what was set ahead.


I pull up to the house, memories coming back. Tears brim my eyes as I turn off the engine, staring at the house.

"Darcy?" Maddy asks from the passengers seat. I look to her. "Isn't this Liam's house?"

I nod, bursting into tears. I rest my head on the wheel, calming down before I open the door to the car.

Everybody else gets out and I walk towards the front door.

"Are you sure?" Maddy asks, catching up with me.

"Yes, they told us to contact them if we were in any danger." I say, getting onto the porch. "And we are."

She sighs, turning to stare at the door with me.

I knock.

After a few seconds, I knock again.

Then someone finally answers. It's not who I expected to answer, though. Niall.

I hear music coming from within but as soon as Niall opens the door, his eyes go wide in shock.

"Oh, my god!" He exclaims. "Darcy?"

I hear it go quiet inside and know that they must've heard him and are bound to be over here any minute.

"Yes, Niall." I say wearily. "Is Liam home?"

He nods, calling out for Liam, who ushers us in.

"What's wrong?" He asks, knowing our deal. "You're in trouble?"

I nod, looking around at all the eyes staring at us. All the band mates, old friends.

Damn, I miss it.

But it's so unsafe, I can't.

"Follow me." Liam finally says, walking in the hallway and down a set of steps.

We reach a basement and he walks over to a dresser.

"Do you have money left?" Liam asks and I think back to what my bank account said the last time I checked it.

"I think I have about a million left." I say, acting like it's not a big deal. In which it is. That's a lot of money...

"Um. Okay. Make sure to cash about a thousand, just in case they try to get you on identity theft." He explains and I nod. He then pulls out 3 booklets. "International Passports, good for another couple years."

I turn to look at Olivia, sadness going through me once I realize she doesn't have one.

"I have one, Darcy." She smiles.

I smile back, turning to look at Liam.

"Is your car parked out front?" He asks and I nod. "What all do you have packed in bags? Anything?"

"Um, 7 pairs of clothes, medicine, first aid.." I say.

"Okay, sounds like you're good. Be sure to leave as soon as possible, alright?" He says and I nod, reassuring him. "We've all really missed you, Darcy. You and Maddy and Mason."

I give him a smile. "I know, I've missed you too. I've missed everyone. But thank you so much for helping us, Liam." I say.

"Whose that?" He asks, looking over to Olivia. "A friend?"

"Um no. That's my.. Uh." I stumble with my words. "That's my girlfriend."

He gives me a smile. "How lovely."

I laugh at his reaction, but then it goes back to being serious.

"You need to go. Now." Liam says, running up the steps with us following him.

We all follow him and stand in the foyer, with everyone else. I wrap my arms around Liam tears coming up.

"I'm so thankful for you, Liam!" I sob, clutching onto the back of his shirt while crying into his shoulder. "Thank you so much!"

I pull back as I wipe my tears, watching him smile.

"It was good to see you, little bunny." He always called me little bunny. Always.

I haven't heard that in years and it breaks my heart to know that I won't hear it for a long time.

"Bye, Duckling!" Niall calls, wrapping his arms around me.

Oh, how I've missed them!

"I'll miss you." Louis says, wrapping me in another layer of hug.

Then Liam joins, all teary eyed.

"Your father would be so proud." Liam smiles.

I give him a half hearted smile.

"I love you guys!" I say. "I'll come back as soon as I can.."

"You just stay safe." Louis says. "Don't worry about us."

I smile, making my way back out after giving one last glance back. I jog to the car, getting in and throwing the passports on the dashboard.

"Next stop, airport." I announce, starting the car up.

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