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Guys, I really want to do a third installment to this series. I really want to go in depth in things that should have more detail, such as:

•Mia's mom trying to frame Mia for Mandi's murder.

•Why Mia got involved with Josh and drugs.

•What happened after Mandi ran away?

•What were Mia and Harry's dating years like?

•How Mia was able to get pregnant when the doctors told her it wasn't possible.

Things like that.. And the book would probably contain lots of flashbacks in the story to answer alot of questions and explain things.

The book will most likely take place in Darcy's late 20s. She will be graduated from college and everything. So, please let me know what you guys think. I know y'all don't comment and hardly vote..

But I'm not starting on the third book until the first two are edited to the best of my ability and the series have picked up some popularity. If you really want there to be a third, please go back and comment/vote. Or just comment on this chapter with a Yes. Idk. But I'm not putting my time and effort into a third book if no one shows that they want it.

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