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"Where are we going now?" Olivia asks, sipping on her shake from Steak N Shake.

"Heck if I know. I'm so stumped." I shake my head, really having no idea on where I'm headed cus right now, I'm just parked on a random street.

"Well, should we call the cops?" She asks.

"No, they'll just get in the way." I sigh. "I don't get it!" I throw my hands on the dash, getting frustrated. "Why are they playing this stupid game? Do they not want me to find them or what?"

"Is there any where else you haven't looked?" She asks.

Of course, there are other places. But none of them seem to fit. There's my house, but that would be too obvious.


Mark said that Monica framed my mom for murder. But how did she do that when they lived in separate countries? Did they once live together in London?

I remember my mom saying that she grew up in America, I think they even got married there. But once she married my dad, she moved to London. She got tired of meeting up with him only a couple of times a year because they only got to see each other during his tours.

But what about Monica? She couldn't have stayed in America. It doesn't add up.

I turn around, grabbing the folder in the backseat, opening it up to Monica's page again.

"What?" Olivia asks, trying to catch on as she stares at me intently.

It only says her address is in California. No other known addresses.

Fuck. That's probably it, but where would it be? How would we find out?

"Darcy!" Olivia calls me out of my thoughts as I look up to her, putting the car back in drive. "Where are we going?"

"Back to my old house." I say and see her tense up.

"Darcy, please-"

"There has to be some sort of clue as to where Monica lived." I say.  "She lived in London, she had to have. Or else it just doesn't make sense."

"Darcy.." She whines. "Those guys.."

"Olivia." I sigh, turning onto a different street. "Did you not see me practically kick their asses last time? I'm pretty sure they remember that."

"Well, yeah. But it doesn't hurt for them to try again." She says. "You don't know what their next move will be! One minute they say they're your friend and the next, you're pinned to the ground..." She trails off, sobbing.

I think I know why she's so upset about this..

"Olivia, did.. Did someone hurt you?" I ask, my hands tightening around the wheel.

She looks over to me, slowly nodding her head. And I bite my lip to keep from losing my self control.

"It was a blind date my friend set me up with." She continues and I listen. "All I knew was that his name was Ricky. I was 19, he was 20. He was cute and kind and sweet..  Well, my friend decided to leave early with her boyfriend because she had a class the next morning, leaving me to catch a ride with Ricky. When we got into his car, he was getting all touchy. And I didn't like it so I told him to stop, shoving his wandering hands away. But he didn't. He didn't stop. I told him to let me out but he just kept yelling at me. He pulled over and-"

"Stop!" I sob. "For crying out loud, stop!"

I can't bear to hear anymore of it. It's driving me insane already. She seems like the girl that would only sleep with you if she really loves you, and she obviously didn't really love him.

Her soft sobs come from her mouth, causing me to glance over at her.

"It's okay, none of that was your fault, okay?" I try to calm her down, having to pull over eventually because I can't see due to my blurred vision and I'm also too worried about Olivia.

"I've been such a pain today, Darcy." She cries.

"Just hush, Olivia." I say, grabbing her hand and bringing it to my lips. "You've not been a pain today. So quit. Once I find these guys, I'll be able to live a normal life. I can go to college.. I don't have to live my life in fear for everyone I love."

"Fine." She sighs, pulling her hand away. "Go. It's okay, I'll be right behind you."

I study her eyes, trying to find some kind of emotion. But all I see is sorrow.

"It'll be fine, I'll be fine." I say, giving her a slight smile, putting my hand on her lap.

"Okay, let's go then." She says, leaning her head against the window and not even acknowledging my presence on her leg.


We pull up to the same house again and I see Olivia's grip tighten onto her seat.

"You can stay here, if-"

"No." She says, looking back to me.

I nod, exiting the car with her. We walk up the doors again and walk in. And this time, there are more people here. All eyes stare at me, the talking suddenly stopping as we walk in.

"Look who it is.." A guy prances right up to me, a grin plastered on his face. "Little Darcy, coming to save her family."

He starts to reach for Olivia but I block him, giving him a glare. "Don't you dare!"

His grin creeps more onto his face as he fools around, trying to reach her just to piss me off.

Then I punch him square in the jaw. He stumbles backwards, holding his nose. I shake my hand, my fist throbbing a bit.

"You really shouldn't of done that, Darcy!" He growls, coming towards me.

"Stay back." I whisper to Olivia and he takes a few steps back as I kick my feet up in the air, kicking his chest just like if I were knocking down a stubborn door.

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