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"We never did anything to you!" I spit, trying to get out of the ropes.

Let's just say that all those people in that house, were on his side. So when I started attacking him, things went ugly. Olivia's passed out, she's been passed out for awhile now because they drugged her and I'm furious.

"Oh, but you did." He says, lifting a finger to my chin.

I move my head away.

What the hell? I've never even seen this guy before in my life!

"Who are you?" I ask, frustrated because he's not making any sense.

He smirked, standing up straight.

"You see, me and your mother met each other at the backstage of one of your father's concerts. They were just married." He says. "I liked her, and I tried to get closer to her, but every damn time, he would be there!"

I hang my head low, glaring up at him, but also listening intently. I don't even know his name, but I don't remember my mom OR dad saying anything about this.

"Anyway," He says. "In order to get closer to her, I had to make it seem like I was gay. So I hired someone to be my fake boyfriend. Things started happening so fast, soon enough she was pregnant by the guy!"

I mean, the guy happens to be my father, so watch it buddy! And they were both perfectly happy until you came along 18 years later!

"I knew I had to do something!"

Yeah, you had to back off!

"So I got her to go out with me one day. She thought it was just two friends hanging out. But it was really a date. I took her to this nice restaurant downtown and confessed my love for her.

"She was upset that I liked her, and she told me that we needed to stay friends. I told her that that's impossible and her husband treats her like shit, that she didn't deserve someone like that.

"She had said that they were trying for a baby and got one, and she knew he was the love of her life. I told her that was a lie, that I would treat her so much better, but.. She just stormed out.

"I tried for years to talk to her, to have her call me or something. But nothing worked, they blocked my number from everywhere I called."

I see Olivia stirring to the side of me and look over, watching her lift her head up slowly. She lazily looks around, her eyes going wide.

Then I see the guys hand go up, going to slap her.

"Stop!" I shout, causing his hand to sit in the air as Olivia continues to flinch. "Look, I'm sorry that things didn't work out with you and my mom, but that gives you no right to beat my girlfriend!"

Then he smirks, slapping her across the cheek. I shriek out of horror as her face quickly moves to one side, just sitting there.

The guy smirks again, leaving the room.

"Olivia!" I cry as I hear her soft sobs too. "I'm so sorry!"

She doesn't say anything, nor looks back at me, she just continues to face away from me, nothing to hear except her quiet sobs.

"My mother's dead, you ass!" I cry, tears streaming down my face as I turn back to look up at him as he enters the room again.

He laughs. "I know. I killed her."

I feel my breath get caught in my throat as anger floods me.

"You bastard!" I shout, kicking my feet, hoping to hit him. "Just wait until I get my hands on you, you're dead! You killed my mom, what is wrong with you?"

It doesn't seem to faze him, he just continues to stand there, smirking.

And all I do is sob, my heart aching as the guy who killed my mother is now standing right in front of me and I can't do anything about it.

"What about my dad?" I choke. "Did you kill him too?"

His smile drops, a thoughtful look on his face. "No. Before I could kill him, he got away."

"What?" I shout. "He's still alive?"

Tears pour down my face as I realize that I could've been spending all these years in sorrow with my father. If he's still alive, why would he not come back?

"That's why I have you here." He smirks. "You're gonna tell me where he is. Your little siblings didn't, but you will."

"I don't even know where he is!" I say, my tears dry as all I have against this man is anger. So much anger. "I would never tell you anyway, I don't even know your name!"

"Well, I see." He whispers, turning around to face the door. "Michael, bring out the children!"

I stare at the door, waiting for what I'm expecting. Maddy, Mason.

Then 2 guys come out with them, duct tape covering their mouths.

"It was very hard to find them." He tells me as 2 chairs get brought over, a little in front of me.

"Darcy.." Maddy cries, "I miss you.."

I can't even speak or else I'm going to break down again.

"Now, if you don't tell me where your father is, I'll be forced to hurt the ones you love, starting with your sister and brother.."

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