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"We saw Mark and Monica, and.." Mason just rants to our father about our little adventure out of the country and basically what's been going on for the past 12 months.

I smile as I glance over to Olivia, whose sitting in the passengers seat, staring out the window. She looks like she's deep in thought and it makes me wonder what she's thinking about..

"You okay?" I ask Olivia, reaching my hand out to touch her shoulder, grabbing her attention.

She turns to me, nodding. "Yeah."

Then she turns right back to the window. I let it go, knowing that we can always talk about it later..

"So Darcy," My dad calls me from the back and I look in the rearview mirror at him, waiting him to talk. "You really seemed to keep these two in line for the past year."

I laugh, memories flooding back. "Yeah. It was one hell of a ride!"

"You know, now that I'm back, what do you think about college?" He asks me and I feel my heart tighten, suddenly getting excited about college.

You know how you're reading a book and an exciting part comes up and your heart just feels like it's getting tighter and tighter? Yeah, well. That's me right now.

"Really?" I smile, glancing at him in the mirrors once more.

"Yes, of course. If you still want to go to college, of course." He smiles and I nod.

"Yeah, yeah. I would love to go!" I say but frown, realizing that I would be away from my father when we only just reunites again. "But not right now."

He nods, understanding.


"I can't believe my sister is going to college!" Mason beams, hugging me as I stand at the end of my car, the trunk hanging wife open.

I laugh, hugging him back.

He's really come out if his shell since dad came back. So has Maddy.

It's been a couple years, and if you looked at us from a stranger's perspective, you'd never know of our past and how broken we once were.

Mason let's go of me as my dad carries out the last two bags on his shoulder, bringing them over to put in the trunk.

"You better come back and visit us Thanksgiving Break." My dad laughs. "It won't be the same without you and I'll be sure to keep these two out of your room."

I laugh, hugging my father for what seems like the last time.

Then I turn to Olivia, who has tears in her eyes. I give her a smile, trying to cheer her up as I wrap her in a hug as well.

"Don't be going to a lot of parties." She says after pulling back, wiping her eyes. "College is fun if you're responsible. And you are, Darce."

"Thank you." I say, grabbing ahold of her hand. "I'll call you everyday, along with you, dad!" I say, making sure not to leave him out.

He gives me a smile and a thumbs up.

I shut the trunk, going to get into the car. I slip into the drivers side, starting the car up as Olivia and dad come up to the window.

"Have fun, sweetheart!" My dad says, giving me a smile before walking off into the house with Mason.

He's such a.. Well.. Dad. Haha.

Maddy is at some kind of camp, so she doesn't get to send me off like everyone else.. But she said her farewells early, so..

When I'm finally on the road, I can't help but think if everything that's happened. And then I realize, it's all a smooth path ahead.

I can finally start my career, settling down.

I have a blank sheet of paper in front of me and it's up to me to fill it..

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