Left Behind

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We were walking back to the Waverider. "1958's swell and all, but I miss the Internet... and cell phones." Kendra said making me laugh. "Uh... what are they doing?" Ray asked as the ship began to take off. "Hey. Hey!" We shouted running towards the ship hoping it would land. "Where did they go?" Kendra asked. "Better question: why did they leave us?" Sarah asked. I felt hurt why would dad leave me did he not love me anymore. How could they leave us how could he leave me. "We just have to stay calm. Wherever they timejumped... whenever... they'll come back to this exact same moment." Ray told us trying to keep us calm.

10 minutes later

I was leaning against a tree "They're not coming back. Let's go." Sarah told them. "Look, as a former Eagle Scout with over 100 merit badges... no big deal... the first rule of getting lost is stay the same place. That way, you can be found." Ray said bragging about his childhood scout group. "And as a former member of the League of Assassins, the first rule when you've been attacked is to keep moving." Sarah argued. "I sort of think League wisdom trumps the Eagle Scouts here. Plus, Savage is still out there." Kendra agreed with Sarah. "Guys, the rest of the team would not leave us marooned in 1958." Ray argued back. "Except for, that's exactly what they did. You said it yourself... you have a time machine, and you're never late. They're not coming back." I told him. I don't think they are coming back. "Valentina how could you say that the man piloting the ship is your dad." Ray said not understanding why I said what I did. "Yeah that maybe true but it wouldn't be the first time he's left me." I said coldly. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Do you have any idea what it is like to have your father as a time master. No I didn't think so. It's hell he would leave for months on end but one time he left for a year and a half so no it's not the first time he has left me." I half shouted.

10 hours later

We were in a car park we were stealing a car to get us out of this town. "One good thing about 1958: no car alarms." Sarah said hot-wiring a car. "I didn't think they had cars in Nanda Parbat." Kendra said referring to the league of assassins. "Dated a lot of delinquents as a teenager." Sarah said Managing to turn the engine on. "And now we're the delinquents." Ray said annoyed. We looked at him annoyed. "If we leave Harmony Falls, how's the rest of the team gonna find us?" Ray asked. "We don't know if they're looking for us. But we know Savage is. We can't take him. That means we can't stay here." Sarah said as she got into the drivers seat and I got in the front seat. "Let's go." Kendra said to Ray then they got in and we drove away.

10 days later.

Kendra, Sarah and I got back to the apartment we managed to buy with some groceries. "Oh, what did you do to our apartment?" Sarah asked entering. "I'm creating a time beacon... a transponder which matches the Waverider's quantum signature, basically creating a radio wave firewall that only our team can see." Ray explained. "It's cute that you think any of us understood a word of that. But I hope it works." Kendra said hopeful. I did understand what Ray said but still doesn't matter they are not coming back for us. "In the meantime, maybe we should invest in some real beds." Sarah said kicking a box.

10 weeks later

The apartment was taking shape we got furniture. Kendra, Sarah and I were playing an old fashioned version of monopoly. Kendra moved her piece she landed on chance. "Congratulations. You are a doctor." Sarah said reading the card. "You know, I thought about going to medical school once." Kendra told us. "Here you go. $10,000 salary." Sarah said giving her the money. "That's it? I made more as a barista." Kendra complained. "Well, it's 1958. You're lucky to make that as a woman." I pointed out. "Touché. Your turn." She said to me. Sarah sighed and said "I miss Netflix." I span the wheel that tells you how many space you move. We heard beeping "Aha! The time beacon radio is officially complete." Ray announced. "Well, great." Kendra said smiling. "Okay, here we go. Come on. Here we go. Hope there's a spot on that game that says "Return to the Waverider," because that's what's about to happen. Here we go." Ray said powering up the device. The the fuse blew causing a few sparks. "I just have to fix a few of the kinks. The next version will be much less explosive." Ray told us. "Next version?" I questioned Sarah said to me and Kendra that we shouldn't make a next version. "I thought you said you were gonna say something to him." Said said a bit annoyed. "Say what?" He asked. "That your beacon... it's a waste of time. They're not coming back, Ray. And it's not because the Waverider is broken, or they're lost, or they can't find us, or whatever. It's because they're dead. And the sooner that you accept that, the sooner you can move on... the sooner we can all move on." Sarah told him. "So what? We're just supposed to give up?" Ray asked annoyed. "On being rescued, yeah." I said as Sarah and I got all of our things. "Sarah, Valentina what are you doing?" Kendra asked. "I can't stay here. I need to find somewhere I belong, and Val wanted to come with me." Sarah replied. "Sarah, Val wait. You can't go." Ray argued. "Savage is still out there. Don't draw undue attention on yourselves." Sarah told them as we headed towards the door. "Sara, Val." Kendra said trying to make us stay. "Look, you two have each other. Most people, in any time period, aren't that lucky. Take care." I told them them and we left to go join the league of assassins. Sarah trained there and I'm hoping that they will let me join.

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