5. Love Me Now

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I don't know who's gonna kiss you when I'm gone...
So I'm gonna love you now, like it's all I have
I know it'll kill me when it's over
I don't wanna think about it, I want you to love me now...
- John Legend

Brie's POV

Things had been going well these past couple of weeks but now Justin was here.

The boy who I loved. The only one with the power to shatter my heart into a thousand pieces. But somehow I felt whole, complete, fixed, even just being in the same room as him. We had a whole lot of shit to talk through though, if we had even the slightest chance of ever making things work this time.

We left the studio and went back to my condo. We didn't talk much, just held each other, getting accustomed to being with each other again. I had the feeling that both of us were scared to have the conversation I knew we needed to have in order to move forward.

At some point, I had fallen asleep as I felt myself being carried, I opened my eyes slightly and saw that I was  being taken to my bedroom, I knew that it was Justin that was carrying me. I leaned into his chest so I could breathe in the scent of him. He gently lay me down and kissed my forehead and then sat down on the edge of the bed before he softly moved a stray hair off my face, I opened my eyes and looked into those hazel eyes that I had missed so much. "Don't leave, I don't want to be on my own."

I barely finished my sentence, when he stood up and started taking off his jeans, whilst shoving off his shoes. "Good, cause I didn't want to leave you."

"No sex, I just want to cuddle."

He stopped and looked at me. "Brie, I wasn't...that's not why I wanted to stay." His eyes roamed my body, the dress I was wearing had ridden up my legs, I watched as he adjusted himself in his boxers. "Okay, truth, I would love to, but only when you're ready."

He smiled at me. "You know me and what I'm like around you." I couldn't help but smile at his honesty. "But that's not what this is about, I just want to be with you."

He looked around the room, struggling to get out whatever it is he wanted to say. "Please don't tell me that I'm gonna lose you again." He sat back down on the bed next to me, the only light shining in was coming from the street light outside my window, it bathed him in a soft golden glow and I unconsciously reached out and touched his hand, just to make sure he was real.

"I can't believe you're here," I whispered. He laced his fingers with mine. "I can't believe we're together, in the same room, touching."

I felt as though I had a thousand butterflies fluttering about in my stomach. All I really wanted was to curl up and go to sleep with him and think about the reality of it all in the morning, after I had some time to process everything that had happened. "Come lie down with me, I wanna put your t-shirt on, so don't look ok."

He tilted his head to one side. "Ok," he teased.

He smiled at me as he stood up and pulled his t-shirt off and yes I did stare, because I loved watching his tattoos and he was fit and toned and standing right in front of me in just a pair of Calvin's. He handed me his t-shirt and I stood and took off my dress. Without thinking I took off my bra, then realized what I had done and quickly pulled Justin's T-shirt over my head. God, it smelled of his cologne, it was the smell that I had been dreaming of for so very long; I pulled the quilt back and quickly climbed into bed, Justin got in beside me, the room was now in complete darkness, but my eyes gradually adjusted.

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