6. Kiss Me

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Kiss me like you wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love, falling in love...
- Ed Sheeran

Brie's POV

Justin kissed me for what seemed like the millionth time. He had to leave for Denmark and I was sad that he was leaving so soon, but so happy to finally have him back in my life. It felt like I was dreaming. I never expected him to come back to me.

"I'll miss you." Justin said in between kisses. "Promise you'll come to London."

"I promise." I whispered as I kissed his cheek and then his neck. "I love you Justin."

"Stop or I won't be able to leave."

"I don't want you to." I begged. "Stay with me."

I had finally gotten him back and I wasn't ready for him to leave yet but I knew he had to go and if this was gonna work I had to not be selfish. I also had to show him that I cared about his career. Something I had failed to prove to him before things went bad.

"I can't wait to see you perform."

He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. "It's not like you've never seen me perform."

"Yeah, I know but it'll be the first time since you've been on tour." I smiled. "Have I told you how proud I am of you."

He didn't respond just smiled shyly at me.

We spent the rest of the morning lying in bed talking. Well Justin talked, I listened as he told me about the huge success that the tour has had, the places he'd been, the people that he'd met. He told me about the clothing line he had for the tour and that he would have some stuff sent for me.

He told me that he was back in contact with his Mom and they now seem to have a pretty good relationship; especially since they had grown apart as he got older. He asked me about my life and my work but oddly enough, he already knew everything that there was for me to tell. It would seem that we had handled our separation in the exact opposite way to each other, where I had shut everything out and wanted no reminder of anything to do with Justin or his life, he had sought out every piece of information that he could about me.

In one swift move, he threw me down on the bed, pinning me underneath him. "I know we've had our issues in the past but I knew that one way or another I was gonna fight to win you back, no matter how long it took."

He ran his hand through his hair and his fingers meet mine. "Fuck, the things that have gone through my mind, the things I've thought of doing to try and see you and then, everything else, the music, touring, the fucking paps up my ass all the time. It's been a nightmare. There've been times, when I seriously thought that I was gonna go crazy, that I was actually gonna end up back in rehab."

My eyes wandered over his face, hating but at the same time feeling overjoyed that he'd pretty much gone through the exact same emotions I had for the last six months.

We eventually made our way down to the kitchen around midday and that was only because Justin complained that he was starving, my stomach was still too all over the place to even consider eating.

For some reason, I had become a bit teary eyed after our talk but I managed to swallow them down as I pulled out a frying pan to make Justin some scrambled eggs and toast. It was just a natural thing to do. I made his coffee exactly how he liked it, strong, no sugar and he always had two eggs with one slice of toast.

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