11. Sometimes

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I ain't even think of leaving sometimes
I ain't even think of letting go
I ain't ever thought of going nowhere
I don't even see it down the road
Cause we're collectin' moments
Tattoos on my mind....
- Ariana Grande

Aubrey's POV

I boarded a plane at LAX so that I could finally meet up with Justin on tour. I was excited that we were going to be together. It took me two weeks to get everything ready for the months that I would spend on tour with him. Mariela wasn't too happy about the news that I wouldn't be working for a couple months but she wished me the best with the new baby and said that she hoped Justin and I were happy together.

In the past she hated the idea of us being together but she moved past all that when she realized our relationship wasn't just a fling. She didn't know who he really was and just what the media had made him out to be. She judged him unfairly and after everything that we've been through she's finally accepted that we're the real deal. She'd become more than just a mentor but more somewhat of a mother figure in the few short years that we've been working together.

I landed in Ireland just after noon the next day. The first thing Justin did when he saw me was sweep me up in the deepest kiss. Thank God there was no paps around. After he greeted me at the airport we took the twenty minute drive to the hotel he was staying at so I could get settled. I didn't walk with much, deciding that I would pick up a few things on our different stops since some of my clothes no longer fit.

When we got to the hotel room Justin was staying in he directed the hotel staff to put my bags in the bedroom as I took in the gorgeous view just outside the floor to ceiling windows. "I've missed you," I whispered while wrapping my arms around his waist when he walked up to me.

"I love you, he whispered as his lips touched mine, I felt his hand run over my stomach. It had gotten a bit bigger since the last time we saw each other. Justin bent down, resting his lips gently on my growing bump that was very obvious now. "Hi baby, I missed you too."

I smiled at his words and took comfort in the thought that things could only get better for us. We had already been through the worst.

After Justin helped me unpack my toiletries and a few clothing items that I would need for the next few days we had a quiet but late lunch at the hotel restaurant that was thankfully had without distraction from fans and paps. I knew Justin cherished those moments when he wasn't being treated like a zoo animal.

There also didn't seem to be any guests in the restaurant sneaking pics and vids of us to post on social media. I had chosen to wear an oversized tee with leggings since jeans were no longer comfortable for me. My trusty black Vans on my feet. Comfort was everything now that I was preggos. I also chose an oversized tee as the news of my pregnancy hadn't exactly gotten out and I was thankful for that. Justin and I hadn't exactly discussed whether he would make an official statement about the pregnancy or if we would just wait it out and let it happen on its own.

Justin held my hand across the table while we ate and talked. It reminded me of our first date and how nervous I was to be out with him. We'd come so far since then. He wanted me to update him on everything he missed with me and the baby in the two weeks since we last saw each other. He was happy to learn that he hadn't missed the first time the baby kicked. The doctor had advised that it would happen soon and to be patient so I assured Justin that he hadn't missed any important moments while silently hoping that he never would.

"I think you're having a girl." He mentioned casually as we walked hand in hand back to the suite so he could nap before we had to head to the venue for his show. "You're glowing already."

I laughed. "That's why you think I'm having a girl?"

"Yeah." He blushed. "Your cheeks are pink all the time now."

"Jay, that's silly." I teased.

"Ok, let's bet on it then." He challenged. "If it's a girl then I get to name her but if it's a boy you get to choose the name."

"I'm not sure about this." I thought out loud while scrunching up my nose at him.

"Why? Cause you know I'll win." He challenged.

"You're not the best at naming things Jay, no offense." I joked. "I mean, I love Esther and all but..."

"I'm hurt." He held his hand to his chest pretending to be hurt by my assumption. "I'll give our baby girl the best name ever."

"Ok, I guess." I agreed. "It's a bet, but only because I know your competitive side won't let this topic go unless I agree."

"You won't regret it babe. Trust me." He kissed me quickly on the lips as we entered the room.

"I'm so glad I came." I said honestly looking him directly in the eyes. The look on his face in that moment as I said those words totally melted my heart and for the moment I was completely happy to be there. Just the three of us.

"Me too, baby."


It's not that I hadn't seen Justin perform before but seeing him perform on tour was another thing entirely. I was in awe from beginning to end. He put his heart and soul into the entire show and the fans loved every minute of it.

We had gotten to the venue an hour earlier than Justin was expected to arrive as he wanted to show me around the venue and be my personal tour guide. He introduced me to everyone he knew and some that he didn't know so well but was still involved in putting the shows together in some way or another.

Everyone was pretty cool. And Justin took pride in letting everyone know that I was carrying precious cargo so that they could look out for me when he was onstage doing his thing. Everyone congratulated us on the news and wished us the best. He even managed to get his tour manager Cory to provide special seating for me on the side of the stage so I could watch him perform.

Justin seemed to have been taking the news of his becoming a father pretty well. I could tell he had changed a lot in the months that we had spent apart. For one thing he seemed a lot more religious. He even asked me to pray with him before we left the hotel. It seemed to calm his anxiety and for that I was grateful. I wouldn't say that I was a very religious person but I believed in God. I guess his beliefs had always been a big part of who he was but it just got a bit lost for him along the way. I was happy that he was becoming the man he wanted to be.

Everything about Justin's performance that night was magical. From his dancing. His voice. His skills with the guitar on the while he performed on the comfy sofa. I sang along to the songs I knew and danced a bit when I wasn't feeling too tired. I screamed and swooned like a true fan girl. By the end of the night my throat was a bit soar but I didn't care. He was every bit the star I knew he was from beginning to end.

After the show, I was exhausted so Justin decided to skip out on the after parties to spend time with me. That night I fell asleep in his arms with his hand resting gently on my baby bump while the rest of his band and dancers partied they night away. Part of me knew that it wouldn't always be like this and that things could change in an instant whether I was ready for it to or not.


Hey guys! How long has it been? I'm so sorry that I took this long to update. The good news is that I already started writing the next one so that should be done soon.

I hope this one was good. It's more of a filler chapter. There's more to come and Justin's POV is up next.

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Thank you so much if you're still reading this! ❤️

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