14. One Sweet Day

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And I know eventually we'll be together
One sweet day.....
- Mariah Carey & Boyz 11 Men

Brie's POV

The night before I was scheduled to leave for LA, Justin had a performance in London. I had initially decided to stay behind at the hotel because I wasn't feeling so well but at the last minute decided against it since it would be the last time I would get to see Justin perform before I went back home.

My back was killing me but I thought nothing of it. Mikey walked me inside the venue when I arrived so that I wouldn't get mobbed by any fans. Sometimes I would stop and take pics if they asked but given that I wasn't feeling so well, I was glad he was there to help me out. When I got backstage, I watched Justin perform from just off to the side of the stage.

"You are really giving me a hard time today." I smiled, rubbing my hand across my belly.

I saw Scooter on the other side of the stage and he smiled and gave a small wave. I decided to walk a bit closer to get a better view of Justin on stage as he performed. He had just started singing the 'What Do You Mean'. I loved seeing this side of him, in his element. Just him doing what he was born to do.

Justin noticed me off to the side and gave me a little wink as he sang the words, a playful glint in his eyes. I stayed through to the next song before my back started aching with a strong shooting pain. I decided to wait backstage until the show ended. Maybe I could find somewhere to sit until the pain eased a bit; it was beginning to get a little difficult to stand.

I walked past Scooter and a couple of the dancers who were waiting to go back on stage. I smiled and waved as I passed them by. I had only made it a few steps more when the pain started getting worse. I held onto my back as a sharp pain shot through by stomach and I held on to the wall beside me for support.

I screamed as the second stab wrapped around my stomach. My legs gave out, and I fell forward, I couldn't breathe. I tried to breathe but it was becoming increasingly difficult. I counted to eight, and it happened again.

One of the dancers heard my screams and ran over to me then he sent someone to get Scooter. When Scooter came over, he and a few other of the crew members quickly helped to usher me into Justin's dressing room and helped me to sit, while they called the ambulance.

'We have to end the show early, Justin should be here with you." Scooter expressed.

"No, let him finish, I'm sure everything is ok." I pleaded. "I don't want to scare him. His fans paid to see him, please don't tell him."

"He needs to know Brie." Scooter demanded. "This is his baby, too."

"Just let him finish the show. Please." I pleaded.

Scooter frowned but didn't push. He sat with me, holding my hand as I tried to breathe through the pain. Scooter had a scared look on his face but I tried not to panic.

The ambulance arrived shortly after.

It wasn't until they lifted me onto the portable hospital bed that I noticed the blood soaking my clothes. My baby was dying. I knew it, I could feel it in my heart and I was terrified.

After being admitted to the hospital, I was sent to labour and delivery. They said it was too late to give me anything for the pain and that I had to start pushing so that I could deliver our baby. The nurses and doctor talked me through the process until I was too weak and exhausted to push anymore. Before I knew it they had announced that the baby was out but I didn't hear any cries. My head felt heavy and my vision started to blur. The next thing I remembered was waking up in a dimly lit room. At first I felt confused but then I started remembering everything that happened.

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