12. Can you stand the rain?

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Sunny days....
Everybody loves them,
Tell me baby, can you stand the rain...
- New Edition

Aubrey's POV

You know when you watch all the shows on MTV or VH1 about life on tour and it seems so exciting that you wish you were there to experience it yourself and you just sit there in awe and think to yourself, man what an amazing life these people have. Let me be the first to tell you. It is definitely not all it's cracked up to be. It's endless hours on a plane and every other night you are in a different country or hotel. Flying wasn't exactly on my top faves list.

By the end of the first two weeks. I was completely exhausted. I hated life on tour, even though Justin had been a sweetheart. He tried to make things as easy for me as possible but it was just hard for me being pregnant. Maybe if I wasn't, things would have been easier but I couldn't help my current situation. I was sick most days and threw up on most of the flights that we were on or backstage at some of the shows. I was no fun at all because I felt tired all the time. I didn't even feel up to any sight seeing when we changed cities because I was that sick and tired.

As bad as I was feeling, I knew I loved Justin too much to complain. We were finally together. I could tell that he was happy to have us with him. There were a few times when I had to skip out on the shows because I just didn't have the energy to get out of bed. Other times I forced myself to go because I didn't want to disappoint Justin. He had done everything he could to have me with him.

News of the pregnancy had finally gotten out and Justin forbid me from using social media. He said that any negative comments that I would read on there would stress me out which was not good for the baby so he took my phone away. He only read me the kind words and well wishes. A couple of his celebrity friends like Ellen and Jimmy Fallon had sent us gifts on tour congratulating us on the baby. I even started receiving little designer baby clothes from all the top designers.

It was a bit overwhelming but expected given the fact that I was having a baby with one of the most famous people on the planet. I was a bit scared though, of what his fans thought about the whole situation. A few of them had not been so nice when we arrived at the last hotel. They were screaming stuff at me I wish I could forget. I could tell it really upset Justin and rightfully so. He kept trying to reassure me that not everyone felt the way they did and that it definitely didn't change the way he felt about me.

I tried to not let the words get to me but I was only human and I couldn't help but think that that was not what I would ever want my child to experience. I put on a brave face but I could tell Justin wasn't buying what I was selling. Even though I thought I was doing a pretty good job of hiding the sadness I felt. The whole situation was a bit messy and I wish it didn't happen.

The next day, Justin and I were seated next to each other on the flight to Italy. He'd been really attentive since I hadn't really been feeling well the last couple of days. I had thought my morning sickness days were over but I guess it wasn't. He had my feet laid across his lap as he napped a bit on the flight. I knew he was tired from the back to back shows so I let him sleep even though he tried his hardest to fight it, he eventually fell asleep with his head on my shoulder as I ran my fingers through his growing hair.

My stomach felt a bit queasy but not so bad that I needed to throw up. So I stretched a bit to press the button overhead to signal I needed a hostess. I tried not to wake Justin as he slept and managed not to thankfully when the hostess walked up to me with a warm smile on her face.

"Hi Aubrey, what can I get you?" Andrea asked quietly as she stooped lower so she could hear me while I tried not to talk too loudly. She had introduced herself when we got on the flight and had been really helpful. At least she wasn't giving Justin the "fuck me" eyes I had seen from some of the other attendants on other flights and I appreciated that from her since my hormones had me feeling all kind of crazy. I was this close to punching one out for breathing too close to my man. Justin being Justin, just squeezed my hand and laughed and said I couldn't go around beating on every girl that looked his way. I could tell he was thoroughly enjoying this possessive side the pregnancy had brought out in me.

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