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Amber POV*

Life is stressful right now. Im pregnant and i no longer can work. Im showing thats why i cant. And its not like a regular job where they pay you maturity leave. But after i have this baby i will be right back in there. I have money still. I dont really go out to spent money on anything so imma be good for a while but not for to long.

Josh wanna take me out for breakfast this morning. So im getting dress. He already know about me being pregnant. When i told him , it seem like he distanced hisself a little to me. Raven dont think he did but i do. I think its because its not his. I dont know tho.

Josh POV*

I just pulled up at Amber house. I honked the horn and waited. It didn't take her long to come out the house. She came out and got in the car. "Hey" She said.

"Whats up" I said as I gave her a hug and a kiss. We then pulled off. We pulled up at IHOP and got out. I would have taken her somewhere else but this is where she wanted to come because she wanted some pancakes.

We went inside and got seated. We looked through the menu and then ordered. All she ordered was a stack of pancakes.

Olivia POV*

Me and my home girls just got finish at IHOP. "Wait girl at that ya dude walking in with some other girl?" one of my home girls asked. I looked and it was him. He must have forgot the I am crazy.

"That is him" I said. "Lets go so I can say something to his cheating ass"

"Girl don't hurt him" i said. We had got up and started walking to the door. I stopped at his table.

"Well hello" I said to Josh all in his face. "Who is this?"

"Yo what the fuck!" he said with a smirk on his face.

"So you not gonna answer me?" I said. I looked at the girl. "Who are you?"

"Who are you?" the girl asked.

"Im his fucking girl" I said. He got to running his mouth but who paying attention to him.

"I will be leaving now" The girl said as she got up and started walking out the place.

Amber POV*

I don't have time. See that is the reason I only stuck to Deon. He was faithful. I don't know why I even let somebody else in my life. I will never do it again. That was just heart breaking that somebody can just play you like that.

Im sitting outside of IHOP waiting for Anthony to come get me. Them girls came out. He then came out. He came over to me. "Look I'm-" he started to say. I put my hand up at him because I don't wanna hear it. He put his arm around me and I pushed him away. Anthony had pulled up right on time. I got up and went to the car. I got in the car and we pulled off.

"So what happen?" Anthony asked.

"His real girlfriend was there" I said. "I should have known that he was playing me the entire time"

"Its okay sis you didn't need him anyway"

"I don't need nobody but you and Adrien" I said. We pulled up at my house and I got out. I had went inside and went straight upstairs.

Since I don't have anything to do I might as well clean up my house. That's what I started doing until it was time to get Adrien.

Adrien POV*

School is over so I'm waiting for my mommy to come get me. I wanna go to the park because all my school friends are going to be there. I hope she take me. Anyway I seen my mother truck pull up. She had got out and came over. "Hey mommy" I said when she got over here. I gave her a hug and she hugged me back. She took my backpack and I ran to the car. I got in the car and then she came.

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