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Anthony POV*

Today is my mother funeral. I'm getting ready for that. I just wanna hurry up and get it over with. I really don't wanna see my mom laid up in a casket. Nobody really wanna see that.

Amber POV*

My family wanted me to say something at the funeral. I really don't want to because I know its gonna be hard and imma break down. My brother is going to go up with me so that he is by my side. Its going to be Adrien and Anthony up there with me. I should be good with my 2 favorite people next to me. We all going to say something.

Meleeyah POV*

I'm tired. I been up all night. I been packing my stuff so I can start moving this weekend. I did get approved for a nice apartment. I still haven't talked to Anthony about it yet because we never in the same place at the same time. And like I said before when we do talk it be like a quick conversation only about the baby and that's it. He be gone after that. He barely be in the house anyway. Well right now , these past days , he really wasn't in the house because he was out taking care of his mothers business.

2 Hours Later*

Amber POV*

We just got to my Aunt house so we can get in the Family car. We got out the car and went over to the house. Everybody was standing outside taking pictures. They spoke to us and we spoke to them. Raven was gonna come but she had to work. She gonna come to the repast. I'm cool with that. We need this money.

When the family car pulled up , the people that suppose to get in it got in it. That includes me , Adrien , Imani and Anthony. Our 2 Aunts and their husbands got in. That filled the car up. The driver wasn't in the car yet because he had to pass out the funeral signs and give instructions. When he got in the car we pulled off and we was on the way to the church.

We pulled up at the church and got out. The family had to go into this one room so we can all go in together. Once everybody was in the room. The pastor came in and said a prayer before we lined up to go up to the sanctuary.

We lined up in order starting with me because I'm her oldest child. We started walking up to the sanctuary. We viewed the body and sat down. Best believe that I was in tears before I even seen her.

Anthony picked Adrien up so he can see her because I couldn't pick him up. I had Imani tho. Everybody else came up to see her and greet us.

Anthony POV*

They let us close the casket. I kept myself together and Amber tried. Its just Adrien started crying which made her cry. I got them both some tissue.


We went back to my Aunt house for the repast. We eating and talking. My mother had a will so my aunt is going to read it after we eat.

Raven POV*

As soon as I got off of work I went straight to Amber aunt house. I didn't even go home to change my clothes because I didn't wanna miss anymore then what I already missed.

I got out the car and put my belt with my gun and all the other stuff in my trunk. I don't wanna carry that in there. It bad enough I have this uniform on. I went to the door and it was open so I just went inside. I spoke and they spoke to me.

I had went up the bathroom to wash my hands. I then came back to fix me a plate. I sat at the table and ate. Amber was at the table with me but they was about to read the will so she had to go in the other room.

This food real good. I love Amber family cooking. They are the best cookers. I was enjoying my food until my phone started ringing. I looked at it and it was my homeboy. I answered it. "Hello" i said low.

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