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Amber POV*

Im up getting Adrien ready for school. They get report cards today. I always go get it myself instead of them giving it to him.

Adrien had put his shoes and i slipped on my slippers. I fixed his hair. I got my keys and my purse. We went downstairs and out the door. We got in the car and pulled off.

We pulled up at the school and got out. I gave him a kiss and he ran to his teacher. I went inside the school and went to the office. "Hey Amber" the secretary said.

"Hey" i said. She gave me Adrien report card.

"You pregnant i see"


"What are you having?"

"I want a girl but i dont know what im having" i said. The bell rung and all the kids came rushing into the school. That is dangerous. I started looking at Adrien report card while i wait for that to die down.

"Excuse me" This man said as he had tried to get pass me.

"My apologies" i said as i moved out the way. The hallways had cleared. "See you" i said to the lady.

"See you Amber" she said. I walked out the office and started walking out the school.

"Excuse me" that man said right behind me. I stopped and looked back at him. "I just wanna let you know that you are beautiful"

"Aww thanks , you dont look bad ya self" i said. I look a hot mess right now. I have on some baggy sweatpants with paint on them and raggedy shirt with slippers. He is FINEEE tho.

"Thanks" he said. "Amber right?" He pointed to me. I didnt ask how he knew that but hey a lot of people out here know my name.


"Nice to meet you , im Q" he said as he put his hand out for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you too" i said I shook his hand

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"Nice to meet you too" i said I shook his hand.

"I can walk you to ya car?"

"Sure" i said. We started walking.

"I would like to get to know you more" he said. Should i give him my time or no? I dont wanna be in a relationship but i can be his friend. Plus considering that he complimented me while i look like shit. "If its alright with you"

"Sure we can get to know each other"

"Lets exchange numbers" he said. We exchanged numbers and he still walked me to my car. He opened the door for me.

"Thanks" i said as i got in.

"No problem" he said as he shut the door. He had jogged across the street to his car i guess. I pulled off.

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