She's still a monster

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Lillie came back with Lusamine, perfectly healed and fine.

She seemed that way.

But she still had a deep grudge against Gladion for not only stealing a Type: Null, but giving one away.

"They were not failed experiments. When me and Moon evolved ours, they worked with the RKS system flawlessly." He had explained.

He was still the President of Aether Foundation, she couldn't have her title back. So he had power. But she was still his mother.

The things she did to him was unforgettable. Every time he thought about it, his hand began to tremble uncontrollably.

He tried not to let it get to him. But when Moon had tried to grab his shaking hands, he had struck her.

His eyes widened at the red mark  on her face, his hand trembling again.

She was just trying to help.

Her eyes watered a bit, but she tried not to show any signs of pain.

"I-i'm sorry."

"It's fine." She replied with a deep breath, shaking her head.

Gladion noticed how glassy her eyes had gotten, and he pulled her into a hug.

Sure, they where rivals, but he would never try to physically hurt her on purpose.

Eventually he let go, raising her chin to see the mark, too distracted by it to notice the pink tint that had flushed over her face.

"It should be fine, don't worry about it." He assured softly.

Moon pressed against his hand gently. "What did your mother do to you?"

Gladion shook his head, emerald eyes looking the opposite way, towards his door which was locked. "Nothing too bad. Just often got attacked. Lusamine always wanted another girl, so I didn't..."

Her expression softwned, and she grabbed the hand that wasn't shaking. "Why?"

"She always thought that girls would run the foundation better."

"She was definitely wrong," Moon replied, a smile wide on her face.

Gladion chuckled softly, tensing up a bit when she put him in another tight hug.

"You're mother is a monster." She muttered against his chest.

Eventually, he rested his chin on the top of her head, giving into the embrace. Perhaps he could get used to this.

Another One-Shot Thing (Gladion x Moon)Where stories live. Discover now