Chapter 1

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Sarah's POV

Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me.
Don't cha wish you're girlfriend was a freak like me.
Like me
Don't cha
Don't cha baby

Ughhh I groaned as I rolled over and grabbed my phone off my nightstand. There's only one person who I set that ringtone for and it's none other than my best friend Arianna. "What do you want ?" I mumbled into the phone. "Happy birthday bestest friend in the whole wide world! You're finally eighteen bitch " She screamed into the phone. "Yayy" I screamed back sarcastically and rolled my eyes.
"You could at least pretend to be happy" she retorted. "It's just another birthday to me, nothing special about it" I replied as I yawned. "But it's the big one- eight. You're legally an adult. So now you and I are going to Club Illusions tonight " she said enthusiastically.
Club Illusions is one of the biggest nightclubs in this city. You need to have connections in order to get in there. "But Ari you know clubs aren't my thing. I rather stay at home tonight and watch netflix" I pouted. "No ifs or buts madam we are going. Now get your sweet little ass off that bed, shower and be ready in fifteen minutes. I'm picking you up, we're going for breakfast and then we're gonna go shopping for our outfits for tonight. " she ordered.
"I hate you " I reply. "Love you too honey" she bellows back at me as I hung up the call. I sit up on the bed and stretched my arms above my head while yawning . Its gonna be a long day. I thought to myself. I got up from my bed and padded my way to my bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror a brunette girl with dark blue eyes stared back at me.
I splashed some water on my face and then proceeded to brush my teeth. Once my teeth was cleaned and my bad breath gone, I stripped out of my pajamas and stepped under the hot water streaming from the shower head. The hot water relaxed me. I took my strawberry scented shampoo and lathered it in my hair, wash, rinse and repeat. I then used my strawberry scented body wash.
When I was done I wrapped a big fluffy towel around me and walked back into my room. I went into my walk in closet and pulled out a blue sweatshirt that had the word dream printed in blue sparkles on the front , a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and my blue converse. I quickly slid on my bra and underwear and my clothes. I applied a little bit of lip gloss and eyeliner, I left my hair down as it was wet and I was too lazy to blow dry it. I slid on my apple watch and realized I only had five minutes left until Arianna would arrive.
I grabbed my purse and made sure I had my wallet and house keys and also made sure my credit card was inside my wallet. I rushed down the staircase and into the kitchen, my parents were no where in sight. They already left for work. My parents have their own chain of companies. So we're basically filthy rich but they are always never home. I found a not stuck to the refrigerator.

To Sarah

Happy Birthday baby girl.
Sorry we couldn't spend the day with you as we had an important matter that needed to be taken care off. Your gift is on the dinning room table. Hope you like it .

~~mom and dad

Beeeeeep! The honking of Arianna's car brought me out of my reverie. I quickly walked out the front door and made sure it was locked and then I hopped in her car and we were on our way.


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