Chapter 13

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Sarah's POV
      I slowly opened my eyes as I regained consciousness. I realized that I was laying on the couch in Miguel's office. "Oh look she's awake" came the devil's voice. My memory came back to me and I remembered why I fainted in the first place. "Sasha!" I exclaimed. "Right here" she spoke she was sitting on top of Miguel's desk while he stood over me. He got a glass of water from the dispenser and handed it to me. I drank it quickly and handed the glass back to him.
       "Sasha where have you been?" I questioned her. "I've been around, here, there and everywhere" she replied. "Are you still a pompous bitch?" she questioned. "Same old Sasha I see" I spoke. "Wait you girls know each other?" came Miguel's sexy voice. I nodded my head. "Sasha bullied me all through high school and tried to destroy my friendship with Ariana countless times" I spoke through gritted teeth.
          "I never bullied you. I just liked tormenting you because you were so innocent and naive" she laughed. "You only socialized with that bitch Ariana" she continued. "First of all tormenting me is the same as bullying me and secondly Ariana is not a bitch, you're the bitch" I bit back at her. "Poor Sarah little do you know Ariana hated your guts. Who do you think told us about your dad's affair?" she questioned "She started almost every rumour about you but your head was so far up her ass that you believed the shit she fed you." She snarled.
            "I'll never believe anything coming out of your mouth!" I yelled. "Suit yourself" she shrugged. "Anyways can we get back to why we're all here?" Miguel spoke in a bored voice. "The wedding will be two weeks from now at my mansion and Sasha here will be our wedding planner" he said in a serious voice. "You must be fucking delusional if you think I'm marrying you" I spat "My darling fiancé you have no choice" he said " and don't you ever use that tone of voice with me because you will be punished for that" he smirked. I winced recalling my punishment. "Now be a good little bitch and be obediant to Sasha, you must listen to her instructions or else you shall suffer the consequences" he spoke harshly. " I know for a fact Sasha can handle your bitchy ass" he smirked. Fuck my life and fuck you Ariana for making me go to that stupid club.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2019 ⏰

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