Chapter 5

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Miguel's POV

         I clenched the glass in my hand as I stared at the middle aged man in front of me as he quivered in fear. "I-I'm s-sorry I-I couldn't g-get it to y-you on t-time" he stuttered. "I-I'll get you the rest by next week" he blabbered on. "I don't want it next week I want it now" I demanded.
          "I gave you a specific date you were supposed to pay me for it and you failed to pay it" I stated. The guy looked like he was about to piss his pants but i couldn't give two shits. "You've failed to repay me for the cocaine so you will suffer the consequences" I gritted out.
          "Boys" I barked out. My second and third in command waltzed in. "You know what to do" I spoke. They nodded their heads and grabbed the man by his arms and dragged him out kicking and screaming like a little bitch.
          It's not like anyone would hear him as we were in a secluded part of the building. I poured myself a glass of whiskey and downed it. That hit the spot I thought to myself. Time to get out of here.
           I proceeded to where the VIP area of the club is and stood by the railings looking at the people in my club. My eyes caught a brunette haired beauty.  She was dancing her heart out and unaware of the attention she was receiving from the males around her. She wasn't like the other girls in here who were dressed in skimpy clothing.
           Suddenly a guy went behind her and started dancing. This made me angry for some unknown reason. She looked like she didn't even care about who she was dancing with.
               I grabbed a glass of whatever the waitress passing by had on the tray and downed it. My nerves were now calm. I stormed down to the dance floor where the mysterious woman and the man was dancing.
            I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around. Recognition lit up in his eyes and he backed away and walked off. I wrapped my arms around her hips and started dancing with her.
         Our bodies move together in sync as we gyrated our hips against each other. I decided that it was time I said something. "Hola hermosa" I grunted into her ear. I know she could have heard me over the music so i continued "you're mine now." I groaned.



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