Chapter 6

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Sarah's POV
        I slowly turned around to face the stranger. His hair was tousled and his eyes looked demanding. "Let's go somewhere more private", he seethed. I didn't have time to respond as he gripped my wrist and dragged me along with him. I tried to pull my hand away but he had a death grip on me. He pushed us through the crowd. Everyone stepped aside for him to pass as if he was some type of God.
            Lord please don't let him be some psycho who's about to ship me off to some foreign country, I thought to myself. I was sure by now my wrist was bruised. He pushed me into a room that seemed to be an office. He locked the door which scared the fuck out of me. Maybe if I scream someone might here me and that's exactly what I did. I let out a blood curling scream.
           In no time he was on me like white on rice. He clamped his hand down on my mouth which resulted in me chomping down on it but it seemed to not affect him. "As much as I love a screamer, you might deafen me Hermosa and this room is soundproof so no one will hear you" he chuckled. "Let me out of here" I all but screamed at him. "No puedo hacer cariño" (no can do sweetheart) he husked in his sexy Spanish voice.
          "¿por qué no?" I questioned "¿Tu entiendes español?" (you understand Spanish)  he spoke. "Sí sè tres idiomas diferentes. " (I know three different languages) I responded. "Well that's good for you, the reason I brought you here is you are the woman I choose to marry." he announced.
         As those words came out of his mouth I doubled over in laughter. "Me" *laugh* "marry" *laugh * "you?" and then I broke into a fit of laughter again then the most terrifying moment of my life came and I heard the clicking sound of the safety of a  gun.
           My laughter faded and the room became dead silent. I was scared shitless. "Either do what I say or I'll kill everyone you love and make you watch" he spoke menacingly. His eyes were emotionless and his face stoic. "W-who d-do you t-think you are?" I stuttered like a fool.
          "Oh cariño,  didn't you know? I'm Miguel Alexandro Rodriguez." Then I did the most funniest thing ever, black dots clouded my vision and the room started spinning. Yup I fainted in front of the most feared gangleader in the country.



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