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"Lucy?" I question, I've never heard this name before. "Who is that? I've never heard of her"

She paused and sighed deeply. "Talk to me Lauren" I promoted her.

"Do you remember when we were driving and Britney came on in the car and I told you that someone put it in my playlist?"

Oh? Yes, of course I remember that very clearly her name wasn't Lucy however.


"Yes, well I made that up. It was Lucy who put it on there. But after what happened between her and I never wanted to mention that woman's name again especially not to you" she spoke with a look of pure disgust on her face.

Wow that bad to where she didn't want to say her name. What in the hell could have happened?

"So this Lucy... she was an ex sub?"

She glances at me anxiously "Yes" she says "Did she say anything to you?"

"She said, 'what do you have that I don't have?' and when I asked who she was, she said, 'nobody.' "

Lauren closes her eyes as if in pain. Oh no. What's happened? What does she mean to him?

My bones tingle as adrenaline spikes through my body. What if she meant a lot to her? Perhaps she misses her? I know so little about her past... um, relationships. She must have had a contract, and she would have done what she wanted, given her what she needed gladly.

When I clearly cant. The thought makes me nauseous.

Climbing out of bed, Lauren drags on her pants and heads into the main room. A glance at my alarm clock shows it's five in the morning. I roll out of bed, putting her white shirt on, and follow her.

Holy shit, she's on the phone.

"Yes, outside of the CCD dance company, yesterday... early evening," she says quietly. She turns to me as I move toward the kitchen and asks me directly, "What time exactly?"

"About six?" I mumble. Who on earth is she calling at this hour? What's Lucy done? She relays the information to whoever's on the line, not taking her eyes off me, her expression dark.

"Find out how... Yes... I wouldn't have said so, but then I wouldn't have thought she could do this." She closes her eyes as if she's in pain again. "I don't know how that will go down... Yes, I'll talk to her... Yes... I know... Follow it up and let me know. Just find her, Welch - she's in trouble. Find her." She hangs up.

"Do you want some tea?" I ask. Tea, Marks answer to every crisis and the only thing he does well in the kitchen. I fill the kettle with water.

"Actually, I'd like to go back to bed." Her look tells me that it's not to sleep.

"Well, I need some tea. Would you like to join me for a cup?" I want to know what's going on. I will not be sidetracked by sex.

She runs her hand through her beautiful shoulder length hair in exasperation. "Yes, please," she says, but I can tell she's irritated.

I put the kettle on the stove and busy myself with teacups and the teapot. My anxiety level has shot to the max. Is she going to tell me the problem? Or am I going to have to dig?

Fifty Shades Greener (Laurmani)Where stories live. Discover now