1. Capeside

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"Are we done?" I sighed heavily as I set down a heavy box full of recipes.

"Yes! Now- time for our reward." My older sister, Holland, came in with two pizzas in hand.

I smiled widely, "Thank the heavens." My mother, Janelle, yelled- happy to be done moving what felt like millions of boxes into our new little restaurant/shack.

We just made the big move to the east, whereas we lived on the west coast before.

We were opening a family-owned restaurant in a small town called Capeside.

"Before you get too comfy, we've gotta get you registered, little one." My older brother spoke, his name is Duke and he was only helping while he was around- when he wasn't deployed more like.

It was just us four- my oldest brother has been gone since I was a baby and my dad left when I was a kid.

"Do I have to? I could just help around the restaurant- get it all together before I register." I smiled widely.

I would rather unload boxes of dishes and mustard and ketchup bottles instead of go hang out with kids my age that'll probably make fun of me for my hair or something.

Duke shook his head before smirking, I groaned before grabbing my coat because it was raining outside.

We got to the school, and Duke knew how nervous I was.. I was always nervous when we moved-- anxiety.

We got into Capeside High, and all the students must've been in class because the halls were quiet- other than my squeaky Converse High Tops.

I crossed my arms over my Led Zeppelin shirt, regretting wearing ripped up jeans and this shirt when I'm registering for high school.

"Hello ma'am, I'm here to register my little sister-- her names Delilah Young." Duke spoke to the secretary as I stood around like the delinquent I was.

I looked around the waiting room so to speak before my eyes landed on a brunette boy.

I went against my better judgement and stared for a second, I looked away quickly once he looked over at me.

"Hey, we've gotta go sit down and wait." Duke pulled me out of my embarrassment.

He noticed my wandering eyes so he pulled me over and sat me down next to the brunette boy, who had a smirk on his face.

"Hi, Duke Young." My big brother leaned over me and shook the boys hand.

I slowly sunk in my chair, I closed my eyes in total embarrassment.

"Pacey Witter. Are you two new to town?" He asked sweetly- and I just about melted.

"Yeah, we just bought the old warehouse next to the docks." Duke informed him.

"Oh, really? Well, welcome to Capeside." He smiled.

"Young, the Principle will see you two, now." The secretary said and we stood up again.

"Um, miss?" I heard the boy- Pacey- say and I turned around to see him standing up and stepping towards me.

"I'm sorry, please excuse my ungentlemanly ways. But, I never got your name.." He spoke and I slightly smiled, "I'm Delilah Constance Young." I said and he shook my hand and chuckled because my name was odd and long.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Delilah Constance Young." He smiled, "You too, Pacey Witter." I bit back my smile.

Our hands broke apart and I turned away to follow my brother into the Principles office.


The bell rang, jolting me out of my binder and into reality.

I looked at the picture of my dog that I drew, out of complete boredom because school doesn't fascinate me like it does some teens.

I do love learning about astronomy, history, and geography, though.

"Hey." Someone spoke beside which made me slightly gasp as I stood by my locker.

"Pacey." I smiled widely, "Delilah." He copied me with a small smirk.

"I was wondering if you've seen the sights of Capeside?" I slightly shook my head, "I haven't, no. Why?" I said focusing on stacking my books properly so they won't fall out next time I open my locker.

"Although there isn't much to see-- I'd be happy to show all the hotspots of this town." He said and I closed my locker as I looked up at him.

"How about a spot where I can see the stars?" I asked seriously and he gave me a curious look.

"The stars? You want to see the stars?" He repeated.

"Haven't you ever looked at the stars, Pacey?" I slightly bit my lip, my books against my chest.

"I can't say I have-- but if I were to look at them with anyone, I'm glad it's going to be you." He said and I lightly chuckled.

A tall brunette girl, a dirty blonde boy and a short haired blonde girl walked towards us- Pacey's friends I'm assuming.

"Hey, Pace, you ready to go eat lunch?" The blonde boy asked.

"Uh, yeah. Um, guys, this is Delilah. Delilah, this is Dawson, Joey and Jen." Pacey introduced to the three and I smiled politely.

They invited me to eat lunch with them but I promised Duke and Holland I'd eat at the warehouse today.

A/n Delilah

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