7. Black eye

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Delilah breathed deeply as she slept on my shoulder.

I stood up with her in my arms, her arms wrapped around my neck as she softly breathed on my neck.

I brought her up to her house, which was just the second floor of the warehouse.

Her mother, sister and brother-in-law sat at the table and talked, about the restaurant and her dad as I walked in.

"Hey, Pace. How's she doing?" Janelle came up to me, "Oh, God. Did she do that?" She slightly cringed as she looked at my eye that was turning different colors.

I chuckled, "No, ma'am. It was just a boating accident." I lied with a smile.

She sighed heavily with her eyes closed, "You're an angel, Pacey, you really are." She smiled and I gave her a small smile, this woman had the world on her shoulders.

"She's strong, she is." I assured her as she looked at her youngest child.

She sniffled before nodding, "Would you mind taking her up to her room?" She asked sweetly and I nodded, telling her I'd love to.

"Thank you, Pacey. Thank you." She gave me a small nod before I left.

I walked up their back stairway and found her room with ease since I've been in here a time or two to study.

I walked over and laid her down gently, not wanting to wake her.

She inhaled sharply and stirred before opening her eyes, "Lay with me." She whispered.

"Delilah, your mom--" "Loves you. She won't care." She said and I sighed, not being able to resist the beautiful girl.

I went quietly and closed the door before I went and laid beside Delilah, she instantly latched onto me, which I loved.



I woke up to light snoring, I felt strong arms around me.

I opened my eyes before slowly turning to see a tuckered out Pacey.

I ran my thumb under his black eye, wondering how he got it and hoping it wasn't what I thought.

His eyes fluttered opened, "What happened?" I whispered.

"Boating accident." He mumbled, taking my hand into his.

"Pacey, don't lie to me." I quietly begged, the sun shining on us from my big window.

He breathed deeply, looking at my eyes, "My dad was just showing me who the favorite child was, again." "Again?" I whispered, barely audible.

"How could I not see it last night?-"It was dark.. and it's nothing." He promised me, "It's not nothing." I said before he pressed his lips against my forehead.

We broke apart and he kissed me with those soft, sweet lips.

"I really like you, Pacey Witter." I spoke as I looked up at him.

"I like you too, Delilah Young." He said pressing his face against my forehead.


"You see, the best part of owning a family-owned restaurant is that you can make whatever you want in this huge kitchen." I laughed as I made quesadillas for Pacey and I at ten pm.

He chuckled, I looked over at him to see him with an adoring smile.

"So, has your dad been back?" He asked and I sighed before shaking my head and looking back down at my bean and cheese quesadilla.

"No, he's been pretty distant as of lately. How about your dad?" I asked because his black eye was finally starting to go away so I didn't have to hear that phony story about a "boating accident".

"Uh, good, actually. I'm actually going on a fishing trip with him soon, along with Dawson and his dad, too." He said and I slowly nodded.

"You'll tell me, i-if something happens between you guys?" I said looking up at him, he lightly smiled before kissing my blue hair.

"Nothing will happen, I promise." He said and I sighed deeply.

"They're done, we can eat, now." I said turning off the stove and putting the stuff away.

We took them out and sat in a booth in the dimly lit restaurant.

I scooted in and he scooted in beside me, I folded my legs in a pretzel since I was wearing sweatpants, so I could actually move.

His hand rested comfortably on my thigh as he tried the food I made him, he hummed as he tried his first bite, "Good, right?" I smiled and he nodded.

"Marry me." He pouted and I smiled widely, "Done." I chimed.

He leaned over and kissed my cheek, I looked over at him and he kissed my lips.

Once we broke apart his hand traveled up to my waist, holding it as he deepened the kiss before I started to tip over, I giggled as he laid on top of me.



"And her lips are so pink and soft that you just want to kiss them all the time." I rambled to Dawson as we walked to school.

"But she's not only sexy, she goofy and smart a-and so kind." I said before sighing.

"So, you like her?" Dawson smirked, like he knew everything.

"I like her, Dawson. Hell, I may love her.. But she seems distracted lately, like her minds somewhere else. And it could just be the whole brother dying and father coming back into her life after nine years but it also could be that she just simply doesn't feel the same way." I continued to ramble.

"You know, asking wouldn't hurt." He suggested.

"You can say that, but I am an emotionally involved being with feelings for this girl like I've never had." I said and he scoffed, "More so than Tamara?" He raised his eyebrows.

I glanced over at him, "More so than Tamara." I confirmed and he smiled.

"Good, I like Delilah.. So, does she know about her?" He asked about my girlfriend knowing about the teacher that I gave my virginity to.

"Uh, she knows of Tamara, yes." I vaguely spoke, although Delilah did have a class taught by her before she left, she hasn't the slightest clue about the relationship I had with Tamara.

"Good, because Tam--" Dawson was cut off by a small little honk.

We both looked over to see an old baby blue jeep pulled up along the curbside.

"You hitchhikers need a ride?" Delilah smiled, I made Dawson get in the back before I sat in the front.

I kissed my beautiful girlfriend before she gave me a puzzled look, "Are you okay?" She quietly questioned and I nodded.

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