9. Hey there, Delilah

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"Hey there, you need a ride?" My thoughts were interrupted by an annoying voice.

"No." I scoffed as Timmy, the school jock/jerk pulled up along the sidewalk as I walked to school because my car died and it was beautiful day in Capeside.

"Come on, you might miss first period." He said and I sighed heavily, knowing he had a point.

I stopped walking before I took off my backpack and sat in the front seat of his newer-ugly jeep.

"Where's the boyfriend?" He asked after I got buckled, "I don't have one." I spoke simply, enjoying the few with the top down.

"What? What about Pacey Witter?" "We broke up two weeks ago." I glared at him, wondering what he got out of this conversation.

"Ahh, because you wouldn't have sex with him?" He asked and I gave him a look of disbelief.

"Where do you get off?" I scoffed, because his parents didn't do a great job of raising him.

"I'm serious! I can tell you still have your virginity." He laughed, I just ignored him by now.

"But that can change.." He said as we parked in the school parking lot and he rubbed his hand on my upper thigh, grazing my crotch.

I hit his arm away with force, giving him a disgusted look, I unbuckled myself and got out quickly, walking across the lot with my backpack hanging off one of my shoulders.

I got into the school, breathing deeply as I closed my eyes.

Pacey and I only slept together once, but I was definitely not a virgin anymore, which kind of saddened me because I was saving myself for my husband, but that all went down the drain when I met Pacey.

I opened my eyes and found Jen and Jack standing next to my locker, I exhaled loudly before smiling and walking up to them.

They were my favorite people in this school, even though Jack was the brother of Andie McPhee who recently started dating Pacey, since Tamara left town.

So I feel really good about life..


I sat in the art room, drawing a picture of my dog, which was lame but that's just how I roll.

I heard the door open and I ignored it as I sat alone, school was out so I assumed it was my art teacher saying she had to lock up.

"I'm almost done, I swear-" I stopped as I looked over my shoulder to see Pacey standing near the door with his backpack hanging on his shoulder.

I looked away, wondering why he was here.

I heard him set his backpack down before he sighed, "You're really good.. I never knew you could draw." He made small talk.

"You don't know a lot of things about me, Pacey." I said as I still finished the details.

"Yeah, yeah, that's clear now.. Like, for instance, why the hell would you sleep with Timmy Johnson?" He asked with jealousy clear in his tone.

"What?" I squinted as I turned towards him, my pencil still in my hand.

"Timmy Johnson is telling everyone you had sex with him in the backseat of his car." He said waving his hands around, I scoffed as I lightly shook my head.

"He gave me a ride to school today, asked me if we were still dating, I told him we broke up two weeks ago and he asked if it was because I didn't have sex with you." I lightly chuckled before sniffling, "I didn't tell him anything and he teased me because he could "tell I was a virgin", he then said that he could change that before he, uh.." I paused as I cleared my throats and looked up at Pacey's kind eyes.

"He ran his hand up my thigh," I said closing my eyes because it disgusted me to even think about, "And I pushed him off." I finished as I opened my eyes to see Pacey's eyes weren't angry anymore, but sad.

"He did what?" Pacey stepped closer to me, I quickly wiped away the tear that ran down my cheek.

"Don't make me repeat myself." I said before I started packing up my supplies.

"Delilah, I had no idea.. I-I thought.. I thought you actually slept with him." He sighed.

"Wow, you must think of me so highly.. sleeping with anyone I can." I scoffed.

"No, that's not how I think of you and you know it." He said as I tried to walk past him but he stopped me, "No, I don't know that! You broke up with me for a thirty year old woman," I whispered the last part so he wouldn't get in trouble, "And then date some new girl.. so yeah, I don't know what you think of me.. And I'm supposed to know that you think highly of me because you left me for someone else?" I said before laughing, out of anger.

"I don't know that, I don't know you care about me, I don't know if you ever did.." I said before sighing, I pulled my wrist out of his hand roughly before leaving the room with my anger boiling over.

I left the school in a hurry, I took a short cut through some trees and accidentally cut my cheek, and it actually bled, but I luckily had some tissues for issues.



I knocked on the door of my ex-girlfriend, "Pacey, what can I do for you?" Janelle answered cheerfully.

"Uh, yeah. I'm hoping Delilah's home, I just need to talk to her for second." I spoke with my hands in pockets because it was a chilly night.

"Of course come on in, but I'm warning you, she's sadder today than usual.. It's the two month mark of Duke's death." She sighed as she invited me in with her hands.

I thanked her, "And she has this cut on her cheek, I had to make her get it looked at and she needed 3 stitches. She insists she cut it on a branch but I think it was a fight at school or something." She rambled as she kept me around for a minute.

"Sorry, uh, she's up in her room, studying of course, that's all she does nowadays. You know where it is." She smiled at me and I thanked her, "Oh, and Pacey?" She said and I turned towards her, "It's good to see you. She misses you. Even if she denies it, she misses you more than you know." She said and my chest became tight.

I went up the long stairway before walking down the hall, I neared her room and noticed her door was opened, I slowly walked over and heard Styx playing as I looked at her, passed out on her bed, slightly crumpled in a ball.

I walked in, careful not to wake her.

I inhaled deeply as I crouched down and lightly brushed her blue hair off her face, my thumb gently brushing over her stitches.

"I miss you." I whispered, knowing she couldn't hear me right now.

I sighed before standing up, I left, leaving things unresolved, still.

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