4. Basket case

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I closed my locker as the final bell ran, signaling school was over for the week.

I kneeled down and started putting my papers into my backpack.

"Hey." I looked over to see Pacey crouching beside me, "Hey." I smiled lightly, he helped me put away my books before he looked over at me.

"I'm fine, Pace." I breathed and he lightly scoffed.

"If you're so fine, why are you wearing yesterday's clothes?" He nodded at the outfit I wore yesterday to school.

"Because, I go help at the restaurant right when I get off school. I'm not some basket case." I said standing up straight with my backpack-that was falling apart, in my hand.

"I never said you were. I'm just worried about you. You lost your brother a week ago and you've barely spoken to me, since." He pointed out, lightly taking my backpack from my hands.

He was too sweet to me.

"Let me help you, I can do any heavy lifting with my boyish muscles." He lightly smirked and I chuckled.

"I'm supposed to be helping you." I said because I was tutoring him before Duke passed away.

"Well, if you let me help you, it'll be like you helping you." "That doesn't make sense.. maybe I am a basket case." I sighed heavily.

Pacey gave me that charming smile, and my chest tightened as he looked down at me.

"Hey, Witter! We still on for tonight?" A happy blonde girl walked past us, also known as Andie McPhee- the new girl from upstate New York, he looked taken back before nodding.

"Uh, yeah, yeah we are, McPhee." He smiled sheepishly before she smiled widely and then left.

"Well, I should head over to the restaurant--" "Let me help out." He pleaded and I gave him an unsure look.

"What about your hot date?" I asked raising eyebrows.

"I'll cancel. You are my hot date." He smiled and I scoffed, "Come on." I said shaking my head, leading him to my jeep.



I stopped washing countertops to look up at this girl that I had such a crush on.

Her favorite Styx album played loudly as we kept getting the restaurant ready for the opening sometime in the future.

I smiled as she mopped, it was just us and it was getting late-- and it's saying something that I stoop around and helped her clean this old warehouse on a Friday night.

She fixed her thick framed glasses before looking up at me, "Why are you staring at me?" She smiled, tilting her head ever so lightly.

"'Cause you're beautiful." I smiled and she smirked, waving me off, "Flatterer.." She chuckled.

"Hey," She spoke up, I gave her my undivided attention, "Can we go out on your boat tonight?" She asked and I smiled lightly before nodding.

She thanked me before she left to go call her family to tell them she'd be in late if she even comes in, but they trusted her to make smart decisions.

Soon enough, we sat out under the stars on the same blanket as before.

"So, how are you doing?" I asked, trying to help her because I care immensely for her.

"As well as can be expected." She shrugged as I looked over at her, her blue eyes lighting up, and not just because of the bright sky.

"Nobody knows what to say to me, or if they should say something." She said before looking over at me, Styx played softly in the background, because she brought her CD.

"What would you say to yourself?" I asked, she inhaled deeply before exhaling, thinking on it.

"I'd want them to tell me how much of a hero he was, how many lives he's saved and how he's in a good place right now." She sighed, closing her eyes.

"Duke was a hero, I mean, imagine the hundreds of lives he's saved." I smiled as I leaned up onto my elbows, she smiled as she looked up at me.

"He was a hero, Delilah. And I'm sure he's in a much better place now." I assured her, lightly tickling her arm.

"I didn't want him to be a hero. I wanted him to be my brother." She spoke as her voice broke.

Tears streaked her temple, she inhaled sharply.

"It's-its like it comes in waves but I'm always drowning." She sobbed lightly, I cleared the tears with my thumb.

I slowly leaned down, unsure if this was the right thing to do.

She gave me confirmation as she gently pulled my head down the last inch.

Our lips moved in sync as I hovered over her, a slow Styx song played.

She sat up, taking off her zip up hoodie, I rested my hand on her hip as the kiss deepened.

She wrapped her arms around my neck before she wrapped those lovely legs of hers around my waist.

We eventually made it belowdeck, a trail of clothing behind us.

"This- this is my first time." She breathed.

"Are you sure?" I asked as she laid underneath me on the crappy bed.

"Are you sure?" She asked with a slightly worried look, like I wasn't interested in it.

"I've never been more sure about anything in my life." I spoke breathlessly and she smiled, her eyes lighting up.

I leaned down, bringing my lips against her soft, sun kissed skin, I ran my hand down her side as her back arched.

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