Chapter 2. Tuesday

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Your POV

It was the next day of school, I was walking in the halls going to my locker to put my bag away, F/n got sick today so I didn't talk to anyone while going into school. Dark passed by my locker and told me to go to his room at morning recess, I nodded and continued to do my normal school routine which was, take down all the chairs, greet my teacher when she/he walks in, talk to F/n when she comes into class,  and then begin class as usral.

*Time skip cus no one wants to read what Y/n learned* 

 It was morning snack recess and my friends asked me what I was ganna do for recess, and I just made up a lie and said That I had to go to choir and stuff, so they left me alone and I walked down to room 166 aka Dark's room, I know things about Darkiplier but what I really want know is that is he the real Darkiplier like The Real Mark's Alter Ego? After some walking and thinking, I arived and knocked on the door "Come in" I heard Dark say and I opened the door to see him sitting in frount of his desk. "Hi Dark.." I waved "What did you need me for?" I asked as I toke a seat in the chair in frount of his desk, "I needed some help carrying some boxes to my room" Dark replied still in his raspy deep voice Weird, but I might be able to ask him some questions as I help. I thought as I nodded and stood up to follow him to the school's parkway. I toke some boxes and thought of how I could start a convosation "So Dark" "Mmh?" "Could I ask you some questions?" "Sure why t-not" He almost just said why the hell not huh? "ok..don't question me or anything but my main question is, Are you the real Darkiplier like Markiplier's demon side alter ego?" I felt a little shaky after I said that. "Why yes, I am actually" My face just turned full out red as I tried to calm down, "But let's have a full convosation about this when we get inside." He said as he opened the door for me "Thanks" I replied as he closed the school door. When we get to his room and put down the boxes, He sat down in his chair, me sitting down in a chair too. "So on with the convosation." He said as I noded speachless "How much do you know about me, Or Mark?" He finished his sentence, I toke in a deep breath before I had a chance to start fangirling and said "I know a lot of information about You and Mark..." He nodded and I continued my sentence "Like Age:27, Hight:1.78m(5'10), Birthday: June 28, 1989, Mark is a famous Youtuber with over 16 Million subs, and you along with many others are his alter egos, for example, Darkiplier, Lightiplier, Googleplier, Dr.Plier which should never be trusted"  I chuckled at that last part "And Wilford Worfstache" I said in a nasty voice and heard Dark mumble 'I hate that guy' we both looked down and sighed, " you pretty much know a lot about me and my 'brothers'" Dark said quoting brothers, "Yeps, but I never knew Alter egos could be in real life" I replied in amazement, I looked at the time and the bell was going to ring soon so I stood up but then Dark stopped me by holding on to my wrist, I think I blushed a little as I heard Dark's amused chuckle, "Remember don't tell anyone about this and me ok?" I nodded as he let go of me and I walked back to class.

Boy, Will Grade 7 Be A Long One...

Time skip to Lunch!

Bell rang and T/n ended class, I decided to walk down to Dark's room again, I forgot to ask why he is even here at this school As I walked down the stairs I saw B/n and her two friends behind her out of the corner of my eyes before looking over to them I sighed "What do you want B/n? and..." Before I even got to finish my sentence B/n pushed me down the stairs causing me to fall a few steps, I closed my eyes as I heard B/n and his/her gang laughed. "Screw you B/n..." I whispered as I slowly blinked and stayed lying down on the floor for a few minutes. I finally regain my strength to stand up and limped over to the office. I asked the lady behind the counter "Can I get ice please?" I winced "Oh dear what happened?" She asked me "I fell down the stairs" I lied and grabbed a few bandages from the little cup in front of her desk, she handed me the ice cube in a small bag and told me to sit down, I nodded as I toke a seat on the chair behind me. I pulled out an antiseptic wipe from my pocket (Cus I have one of those...just move on with it) and used it to clean the bloody wound on my right shoulder and patched it up with a bandage, Bloody Hell.. "Can I have another Ice cube please?" I winced at the pain of the antiseptic wipe. She nodded and went to the backroom to grab another Ice cube, "Thanks" I replied as I toke the ice baggy from her hands and continued the same steps but on my right knee, and held the ice on those spots for a while, This is how I'm going to spend my second day of grade 7 great...Just great I sighed. A few moments later. I sat in the office for who knows how long and younger kids keep coming in and out getting their lunches from their parents probably, The door opened again and I thought it was just a little kid again until I heard Dark 'cough', I looked up and yep I was right, Dark was walking close to me now, "How did this happen?" He asked me in a normal 'human' voice now, Strange? "Can I tell you in your room?" I whispered so the person sitting at the desk won't hear our conversation, He nodded and told the lady sitting behind the desk that I was going to go to sit Dark's room. 

*Time skip again to you slowly limping to Dark's room, As Dark helps you*

I sat in the chair I was at this morning as Dark closed the door and sat in front of me. "So now can you tell me what happened?"Dark asked in a worried voice Worried? why is he worried about me? I thought as I told him the true story of how B/n pushed me down the stairs (It was like 8 steps ok, it was high enough for you to bleed and lose strength, but not high enough for you needing to go to the hospital) and His/her gang in the background laughing at me and walked away. When I finished telling him the story he asked me "And this is true now yes?" I nodded and I saw him mumble something but I couldn't hear it. "I have another question I would like to ask you" I spoke to cover this awkward silence in the room, he returned his focus back to me and I continued "Why are you even at S/n? aren't you suppose to be killing people on the streets with the other Youtuber demon counterparts?" There was a split second of silence and he spoke again "You know me too well Y/n, but I wanted to take a break from killing for a while." "Darkibark..I know you're lying to me. You're never bored with murder" "Darkibark?" "Yeah Darkibark, in grade 6 me and F/n found out about (And fangirled crushed) Darkiplier and Antisepticeye and decided to give th-you guys a nickname"  "wait so you knew about me and Anti when you were 11?" Dark asked "Well I found you out when I was watching some old Markiplier videos a long time ago, and Anti just by curiosity...and F/n" "Wait..I just said that out loud huh?" he nodded Dammit me! Stop wondering off on a convo they don't need to know about. Awkward Silence. " tell me why you're at S/n Dark" I said embarrassed. "Well, I uh.." "Wanted to kill the whole school?" I finished off his sentence, He sighed and looked back at me "Look don't give.." "...Away your secrets I know...I know probably way too much about you then I should huh?" I giggled as I finished his sentence (Again). He sighed and nodded again and we both laughed it out, The bell rang so I said bye and went back to my classroom I heard some giggles behind me but I ignored them thinking it was just some kiddies talking to each other and walked back upstairs, Wait How? I'm healed? already? Jeez man, Dark really has some Dark powers...Everyone just needs a chance...Everyone just needs a chance... I thought to myself as I opened my locker and grabbed my lunch and headed off to my seat.

I had lunch and I think my friends noticed I wasn't talking as much as I usually am at lunch time "Hey Y/n why are you so quiet today?" I heard F/n ask "I don't know...Maybe I'm." I was cut off by B/n (Bully's name) busting in me and my friend's little group circle. "Maybe you found a cute boy!...slut..." I heard B/n mumbled that last part but I ignored it, But then I noticed again that I was blushing a small hint of pink, God dammit body why now?! I thought, I turned my head and toke a breather. "HEY B/N! MAYBE YOU CAN LEAVE Y/N AND US ALONE!" F/n yelled really close to her face, "Forget it.." I sighed as I packed my lunch back in my bag and walked to my locker to stuff it away. I sat back down at my desk and soon after, the first bell rang, so I grabbed my book and started to read because in the last class as always we have literacy... 

God dammit me, why of course do I fall in liking to a demon!?


OMG...This is by far the longest chapter I have ever wrote!! I'm so happy about that! Probs cus this story has an actual story line to it unlike my first book A Dark Pit (Stop yourself Magz XD) Ugh now my body feels weak..If your wondering why I didn't write in so long was becus I had lots of laziness and writers blocks so Hopefully non of that will come back anyways See YA!

*1808 Words (Longest Chapter ever written -MagpieYay)

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