Chapter 7. Saturday (Alt)

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Anti's POV

I heard three gunshots coming from the Main Officers room and something fell to the ground making a thump noise, Ima just gonna say Mark's room. I asked Pewds to check the cameras, we checked but the camera was facing the opposite direction. "Dammit!" I yelled under my breath "I want to see who shot the gun!" "Is someone worried for little Y/n?" I heard MadCry tease behind me "NO! I'm just wanting to see if the plan worked!" "Riiiiiight..." Kill and MadCry sassed, As I got angrier I wanted to punch them in the face so hard right now! I faced Pewds again and just watched the monitor screen in front of us hoping for the best, Please, let the plan work out...  

Dark's POV

I woke up from my nap? I guess, I don't even know what time it is! there's a door blocked by some wood you'll be thinking I could just smash the wood so I can get out right but noooo I am stuck down here I don't even know where! but I can just see a glimpse of the outside world. This. is. Torcher!! seeing the outside while you're stuck and locked in a jail cell room with no food and when it sometimes rains there's water, I had to eat some, well my whole shirt cuz I was that desperate and hungry. I heard about Mark saying it was Saturday today and then I remembered the call he sent to the school. "He will be killed on this Saturday..." This was the day, I sighed not giving a shit if one of the guards could hear me or, Mark I just cried 'till I couldn't anymore and I lost every single one of my energy and passed out on the floor...'Why does Mark have to do this to me'...


All Hope Is On Me...

I stood up from where I was lying down and heard a familiar voice, 'Hello Child.' LightTyler? 'Yes child it is I, I'm here to help guide you, Now get a move on before you die again' I chuckled and started tiptoeing to a corner hoping no one would find me.  I did hear screaming, crying and such behind a door that I assumed was locked, 'You see those keys over there by Mark's desk?' I looked over to Mark's desk where he was sitting on its chair going on his phone probably on Twitter or something and noticed a black key on a silver key ring hooked by a command hook. 'Those are the keys to open Dark's cell door pass that door over there' They're two doors to Dark's cell? I questioned in my head since now that how to communicate to LightTyler. 'Yes, the first door You can just lockpick it the seconded you need that key over there' I nodded and started to think about Anti's plan. I held my handgun in my dominant hand and put my other hand on my chest keeping track of my breathing, I aimed my gun and '3, 2, 1..' Closed my eyes and shot... at the door so Mark could hear a loud ringing sound and went to check at the door I just managed in time to crawled under his desk and hid there, watching his moves. Jeez, Mark how long are you gonna be on your phone for?! 'I'm guessing for a few more minutes, I'll try to communicate to LightiPlier' I nodded still crumpled up in a ball very close to some wires that I shouldn't touch. But they seem so tempting! 'Don't touch those wires!' I heard LightTy strictly guided me. Yeah, thanks for making it more tempting. I rolled my eyes getting a shiver up my spine and stayed still hardly breathing, I heard some footsteps and a knock behind that door, Mark yelled from his position. "Who is it?!" "It's me! I need to address something important!" The other guy yelled back, Mark stood up and groaned, Mark walked to open the door and he closed it and locked it from the outside. Great, Now we're locked in here. I groaned and stood up from my hiding spot, 'Well at least we can grab the keys and save Dark, Let's go!'  I laughed You angels do seem to always find the happy side of most problems I can almost see LightTyler smiling even though he wasn't here I felt him smiling, so I smiled too. I grabbed the key, Do you really think it's that easy? I questioned myself and shrugged as I walked quietly to Dark's cell door, I nudged the first door open, it was a bit squeaky but I hoped that Mark would take as long as possible to talking with That Dude. And toke the Black rusty key and slid it into its keyhole, It toke a few nudges and turns until it finally opened. I slowly but surely walked to the dark shadow lying on the floor in front of me. "D-Dark?" I bent down to the demon lying almost dead just a few inches away from where I was kneeling. "Dark?" I said more firmly using my dominant hand to run his back, I checked his pulse, Slow but not dead I sighed in relief, 'You don't have much time left, hurry up!" LightTyler almost yelled in my ear. I nodded, I don't have much strength, but then again he's weaker than weak. I picked Dark up He is really weak and I saw a light through a wood barred door, "That's just torcher!" "Sure yeah it is." I turned around and saw Mark standing a few meters in front of me. I put Dark down behind me and stood there in front to protect him. "Why are you doing this?" I strongly asked Mark. "Why do you care for him? He's just a useless demon created to die!" 'Something seems wrong with him' Yeah no shit. "This is not the real you Mark!" I exclaimed feeling more power gain inside of me. "Or is it now?" He took out a small golden eagle in his right hand 'Wilford!?' me and LightTy thought in shock. "Wilford!" I growled "~So now did you realized my secrets~" I quickly shot him, I missed. 'Why did you shoot!?' I don't know! it's my natural instinct when I get mad! "~Now this is how we're playing...~" "~Sweetheart~" I cringed at the nickname but then he playfully shot my left arm. "Gah" I winced in the pain the mini shotgun made in me. "It was an accident, I swear!" I growled but I still kept strong, though "All Hope Is In Your Hands Y/n" I heard not only LightTyler but all the other angels prayed for me. "All Hope Is In My Hands..." I huffed under my breath, I looked at Dark and then back to Wilford. "Now. Let's Play" I smirked, saying those three words I felt all the energy from not only the angels but from the gang, and Dark rise up into me. I can do this, With all of them on my hands...

Wilford Nodded and smirked "Let's Play"


DUH DUH DUNNNNNN!! I made a shorter chapter today cus I had less time to work with on my hands cus of after school things so yeah...I lied Muhhaha! 

So now can you even trust Authors notes anymore!? 

When will the final chapter for the Alt ending be!?

Who knows?

Well me, I know..

But you don't Muhhahahaha!

Anyways see ya in the next chapter!


Light The Way (A DarkiPlier X Child Reader Fanfic) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now