Chapter 6. Friday (Alt)

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I found myself sleeping on the couch where I was teleported on to, I woke up to I think Anti screaming (Again I can't type an Irish accent)"GUYS! I THINK I HAVE A PLAN!!!" Jesus freak Anti I jolted up from my nap and remembered why I was here in the first place Save.Dark. I ran to the room Anti was in I guess it was his bedroom, the walls were mostly painted green with one wall a nice color blue. I mentally slapped myself and focus on our task. Soon later Pewdiedie, Cinnamontoastkill, and MadCry came into the room, I sighed, it feels 'lonely' here without Dark. "Tell us the plan!" I heard Pewds say... Anti told us the plan (Sry, you can't find out what's that plan until it happens) and we all mostly agreed, me and MadCry just listened while Pewds, Kill, and Anti argued about some stuff but the thing I didn't like really was they were using me as bait, like seriously boys?! "You ok with that Y/n?" I nodded even though I wasn't really. "K then let's go!" Kill exclaimed and we all linked our arms together and I fainted seeing a bright light in my eyes.

"Wakey wakey Y/n." I was being shaken by Anti and woke up. "You know that's very very creepy right."  "Yeah, I know but it's in my genes" he whisper-yells and wiggles his body, I smile and sighed They still keep their original sides' personalities. I got out of my train of thought and went back to reality to where we were located right now. 'Silent Hill' I gulped in my fears and started walking to the old looking shed. "Why am I getting Them and not you guys?" I asked I heard a knife sliding out of its case, I mouthed the word 'ok...' and opened the shed door, I cringed at the noise the door made and stepped in the door shutting behind me. "Hello?" It echoed, I waited a few seconds and heard some screamings and footsteps, "They're coming..." I whispered and hoped for the best. They whispered yelled some things to me that I couldn't understand but Anti told me to just nod slowly to everything they said so I followed his directions.

Time Skip

We arrived at the second destination and we were in an abandoned mansion and we all went our separate ways to gather anything useful, I found some liquid in a bottle, some shotgun shells, but no shotgun, and a handgun with some ammo too. I heard a loud noise and crack so I ran outta there just in time so the man there wouldn't see me. Fhew. I looked around in the darkness in the middle of nowhere and saw a light and I fainted. Again. But this time I could see but I can't move. I did hear the guys though then I completely fainted and woke up to our final location. The Infirmary. I gulped and I heard a voice in my head. 'Do this. For Dark.' I nodded to myself and sounded the alarms. 

Dark's POV

I sighed. Tomorrow is the day... The day where I get deleted out of existence... I have no hope left... I think I shredded a tear.  Is this what it feels like... To be kidnapped, tortured, and slaved? With no hope left in you? I felt more liquid run down my already bruised up face. Is this how I am treated, and why I was created!? I slammed my fist into the wall. JUST TO BE BEATEN UP! I punched the stone wall again now feeling pain run through my body. And collapsed down to the concrete floor. "I got a real taste of my own medicine" I spoke under my breath and fell asleep, my body now dead inside, to thrown out to move, I heard the alarms go off...

Anti's POV

The alarms went off and the plan was going in action. I made eye contact with Y/n and nodded signaling her to start moving and continue on with the plan. Kill and MadCry were using the shotguns and AK47 to take down most of the guards then Y/n yelling at the guards which made most of them look up and run after Y/n Hopefully this plan will go well... I signaled to Pewds on the walkie-talkie which then opened up a door, me, Kill, and MadCry ran in it and Pewds closed the door just in time so now guards could come in. I panted a bit and looked at everyone we nodded in unison and continued on with the plan.

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