Chapter 3. Wednesday

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At Home Still Tuesday


 B/n why did you do this to me?! I thought as I checked the wound on my knee, I was going to check the wound on my shoulder and change the bandage but then the phone rang, I picked it up before my sibling did, "Hello?" I asked over the dial "Hi yes, this is S/n, is this Mrs/Mr. L/n?" "Uh no this is Y/n" "Oh can you hand the phone to your parents?" "K" That was the last word I said before I gave the phone to my mom. I ran back to my room and sat on my bed and laid down only to find my eyes slowly closing and me falling in a quick nap, I guess dealing with B/n poufed me out... *Ding* *Ring* *Ding* *Boop* *Ding* *Ding* Ugh Wth?, I opened my eyes to see my phone spamming me with messages Why are my friends spamming me? also...who the hell are these others in this random group chat?! I wondered as I checked the messages sent on social media and this group chat with a hella lot of people and some I don't even know, I read some of the messages and spam "HA HA WOW RLLY!?" ha ha ha really what? as I scrolled up threw top of the icons, B/n B/l/n, is admin of this chat...the only message B/n sent was a voice recording and a small message; "The girl, yeah that's Y/n, the man, that's the new teacher Mr.D.iPlier her new crush..." and that's all she/he wrote and then another one from R/n; "SHE HAS A TEACHER CRUSH!!", as I pressed and listened to the recording I heard me and Dark's voice and giggling B/n in the background, what I heard was me and Dark talking and laughing, and Dark's rustic voice that now sounds a lot like he was flirting with me. "WHAT?!" I yelled into a pillow and started sobbing, "How did I not know it was him/her!!" I continued yelling and sobbing into my now wet pillow, *Knock Knock* "You okay sweetie?" Mom asked, "Yeah just a bit busy here mom!" I told my mom trying not to sound like I cried for hours straight, "Ok just making sure!" I heard my mom walk back to her room and I still wanted to cry more but I ran out of tears to cry out so I gave up and left the group chat, everyone read that I left. So I was debating if I should even go to school tomorrow. I decided to go anyways.

The Next Day....Wednesday

I decided to wear a black hoodie that was big enough for my face to hide behind it and I just wore my favourite pants and walked out the door, last night before I went to bed I heard my dad come home from work and my mom yelling at my dad, I think my mom and now dad knows about Dark and me, and that makes it worse! I ran to the school and stuffed all my belongings in my locker and did my normal routine, after that, my teacher came in and gave a stare but then returned to his/her desk, learning went through and neither F/n, F/n, or F/n came to school today! well at least in the morning, B/n and her gang which was now 10 people came to school though, I don't even know how she got everyone's number and email's but she somehow did and used it to bully me! recess bell rang and I was surprised my teacher didn't tell me to stay in or something, I'm pretty sure T/n knows about it cus of B/n, but I decided I needed some fresh air today so I went outside to what I really thought was still my friends but after like a few seconds of Hi's, B/n and parts of her/his gang came in and mocked me, that was it, I ran away from them and now everyone was mocking me and telling me off so I went to the very back to the school's play area and sat there realizing what I had just done. The bell rang and I got back into school and I ran to find Dark's room, "160,161,162,163,164,165,167" "Wait where's 166?!" I yelled whispered to myself. I have to find his room now! I decided to run upstairs and look, I managed to find myself in the library and I somehow had a book in my hands, I put the book back on it's shelf and heard the door open behind me, I turned around and saw my teacher there mad at me. "What do you think your doing Y/n Y/ln?" "Putting this book away?" Got lucky there fhew... "Ok then well you're coming back to my class now Miss/Mister!" T/n yelled as I nodded and followed her/him. She/he got distracted by another teacher and got called for a small meeting, I toke this opportunity to run and look for Dark's room again. Nothing but...A glass door? wait... next to the door had a sign read "166" with sharpies scribbled over it, on the other side of the door was a black small box. I tried pulling and pushing the door to open but it was locked. I reached my hand thinking I wasn't going to reach the black box but somehow my arm went right through the door like I was a Ghost... Dark must have gave me some powers or something!? I didn't care if I was dead or not but I opened the small black box now realizing its furry texture and saw a beautiful diamond ring in it, It wasn't just a normal ring though it had a small button under the diamond, before anyone found me I went and hide in a hiding place only I know maybe someone else knows but for now I was safe. I clicked the very tiny button and a message started playing, I listened closely to it, "Hello, this is the police" that voice. That voice was Mark's voice! I continued to question why but still listened to the voice recording, "We are here to inform you that there is a demon at your school location right now, we are sending agents and crew members to find the suspect and bring them to the infirmary where if they were a real demon then their powers will be taken away and killed on this Saturday." and then I heard a click and some sobs that sounded like they were, Darks?! then I heard doors being smashed and then the audio ended. Sudden seconds of me realizing what just happened I ran out of the school not giving a shite about anything anymore, not my non-existing friends, not my family, nor I didn't even care if I would die from running or somehow saving Dark. I just needed to see him again....


Ha I'm leaving it on a cliffhanger! I'm going to continue this story again tmr but for now I'm going to bed see ya peeps!

and also today was the day most of us started school! so yay? I guess Idk anyways k..


Light The Way (A DarkiPlier X Child Reader Fanfic) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now