Chapter 8. Sunday (Alt)

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We shot each other multiple times, he had 2 shots one on his right leg and one on his biceps, while me, on the other hand, had 3 wounds 2 on my left arm one from earlier, and one on my left foot. "IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" I barked at him in rage for not dying, "~That'll take you a while sweetheart~" Wilford bet. I shot him in the stomach and he winced in pain and fell down holding the newly shot wound. I went up to him and kicked him in the nuts. "Gah!" Wilford snapped as I took this opportunity to shot him in the head. I aimed "Any last words?" "I'll get you back someday!" Wilford spat as he closed his eyes, and I shot. After I shot, he puffed to a massive pink cloud of smoke. "You're dead now, Pink Bitch" (Sorry if you liked Wilford, it was just for this story).  And then I heard a moan.

Dark's POV

I heard swearing and shootings, I didn't think much 'bout it, but until I smelled Y/n scent. I used all my strength to turn around  and open my eyes, blinking a bit to regain my sight, I watched Wilford shoot Y/n in the foot 'She's really tough for a 12-year-old', she grimace at the pain and barked at Wilford, I couldn't hear what they were saying because of the ringing in my ear but then I watched Y/n's shoot him in the stomach, I watched shocked while Wilford winced at the pain and Y/n kicked him in his 'area' I cringed as I continued to watch. After some talking between them, Y/n shot at Will's head and he poofed away in a pink cloud of smoke. I tried to get up but failed and made a loud enough grunt for Y/n to hear. 

 Y/n POV

I turned around to see Dark rolled on his side facing me, I ran up to him and bent down to hug him, he coughed a bit and I guessed he couldn't speak. 'Smash the wood' I stood up and walked to the boarded up door or window and smashed it a few times for it to actually break and I ripped it off easily. I shuffled over to Dark and carried him out the window (Never question a child's strength). We, well I limped over to a corridor and pushed a door open, turns out Anti and the gang were staying here watching on the cameras, "Ahem!" I coughed which made them turn around, "Dark!, Y/n!" Anti, Pewds, and Kill sprang from their seats to come over to us. "Take care of Dark first" I smiled weakly and handed them the weak and limp Mr.D.iPlier. As MadCry came over and lead me to a seat for me to sit on, I thanked him and sat down looking at the gunshots, "That must've hurt" MadCry estimated as he handed me a bandage and tweezers "Heh, No shit" I laughed "Where'd you get all of these equipments?" I wondered "I found some first aid's somewhere around here." he said looking around, I smiled weakly again and pulled the bullets out from under my flesh, I quailed as the pain was unbearable for me and wrapped them up with the bandages. "Let's go check on Dark" I muttered as I slowly use the chair to walk with, he nodded and continued to walk with me to the old hospital bed I assumed Dark was lying on. I came up to Anti and the guys and they told me that Dark just needed some rest, I nodded and they left me alone with Dark, I floffed his hair (Cus FLOFF DA HAIR FOR POWERRRRRR!!!) and smiled. "~Sweet Dreams Darkibark~" I saw him smile the weakest but cutest smile and mouthed the words, 'Thank You'.

I let Dark rest on the bed and went to find some food and water for him to consume, 'Great job back there Y/n' I got jump scared by LightTyler and jumped back a step, "Jeez, you scared me LightTy" LightTyler held his hand out "Come, take my hand" I hesitantly took his hand and he teleported me back to the clouds, "Woah..." I stared in amusement, "You thought you could only come here when you're gone, didn't you?" I nodded back at LightiPlier. "What did you want me for?" "Come child" I followed him and he asked me to sit on the F/c pile of clouds again, I obeyed I closed my eyes and he said some different prayers than last time,  I think he sent me a dream...


I  followed someone to a black dark hallway, this place seems familiar. I didn't know who I was following but I follow the person anyways, I looked to the right of me and saw a metal door, there was a sign with a number next to it, Am I in my school?!. The person stopped in front of a door and it looked like it wants me to open it. I walked over to the person who I can see wearing a dark colored robe, I looked over to the sign next to the door and it read "166" 166...That's Dark's room! I looked back at the soul with a confused and worried look, he just continued to stare at the door waiting for me to open it, so I wasted no more time and twisted the doorknob. All the lights in the school opened and I was pushed into the room. I was locked in the room and toke this opportunity to look around the space. Sharpie marks all around the walls spelling words like "Douche" "Dick" "Go to Hell!" stuff like that, my question was why didn't the staff take down the marks!? I heard footsteps coming along with a motor closer to the door as I felt and smelt smoke then teleported away.

I woke up shocked at looked over to Light my face worried with confusion,"Was that what I think it.." he just nodded and sent me back down to where Dark was I found some food and water for him. I shook him up and told him we had to go there asap. We both could only limp but still worked, we were limping down the halls of the concrete place and heard some banging coming from a door to our right, I went to go check it out and found out it was locked, The key! where is it? I thought as I patted my pants finding a key in my back left pocket. I used it to unlock the door and it works, I slammed my body into the door because it wouldn't budge and found someone chained up to a heavyweight ball and duct taped face, I walked slowly closer to the shadow and looked at their face and saw...



Leaving it there folks! I have decided to make the alt ending longer than intended so I'm going to continue it long! See ya in the next Chapter!


Light The Way (A DarkiPlier X Child Reader Fanfic) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now