Chapter 10: S-v~ -s Pl~-s- (Alt)

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Google's POV

"Ok Google." Someone has activated me. But my battery is too low to wake up so I only jolted my body a bit. I can only watch my body 3rd person's view. So I don't remember anything, but my brothers. I see a girl with a bandaged arm and leg, carried me to a room and laid me down on a plastic table. I saw her stiffly walk away soon later out the door. I looked around the room, I'm only a soul right now, so I should be careful. Someone must have toke away my memory chip because I still don't remember anything. I thought to myself as I take a peak in one of the other rooms. Darkness. I saw a prison-like space in the other rooms. I must've been kidnapped by someone then that girl is saving me. I went back to the room my body was lying in and saw my two brothers, Mark and Dark, having very bad wounds and they both looked weak. I then took the time to gaze at my own. I had lots of scars all over my body and a duct taped muzzle over my mouth, I am still wearing my blue T-shirt that the Google company has given me, It's just a bit torn up but at least you can't see all my wires and microchips. I see Dark come up to me and clipped off the metal weight ball that was anchored to my ankles. I see him walk away back to a chair to talk about stuff with Mark. Soon later I see that same girl walk through the door again with FireIceplier. I still don't know her name. The girl that looked like she was in her tweens came up to me and checked my body's pulse with her fingers on my neck. I could see her move her lips which meant her talking with the other iPlier's but I couldn't hear much because most of the sound was fuzzy and static, She soon later checked my heartbeat again but with her ear to my chest. I can only hear the phrase 'Ok Google' when I'm not in my body, others I can only hear static (Becuase my soul has no ears duh). I soon see the others run up to me in shock. What just happened? What did she say? I see the girl snap talked at FireIcePlier and soon the three men leave the room. Dark giving a look and sigh to the girl which in turn she sighed back. What is she doing? Before I knew it she was carrying me. Wow, she is strong. We followed FireIcePlier to the exit of this dungeon. The girl having trouble carrying me. Why don't the guys help her? I noticed that FireIcePlier was not harmed, no scars from hell, no muzzle or duck tape, no nothing. I questioned him as I watched carefully. Every time they talked all I can hear was static. It was a very eerie sound but it was defiantly better than hearing screams coming from Willford torturing the others. Sadly there were two deaths from all this beating. I think it was Babyplier and one more iPlier sorrowfully.

Y/n's POV

FireIcePlier showed us the way to the exit. I was still limping with Google in my arms dead, He can't be dead! He jolted when I activated him! I screamed to myself in my head. I looked at my dominate hands wrist, I was still marked with the letter 'D' I glanced over to Dark, looking sad. I hated seeing people feeling depressed so I stumbled over to the black/red haired demon. "Hey, How you feeling?" "Not great" He mumbled, I exhaled as I thought of something to say to Dark. "K guys behind this door should be the exit." I heard FireIcePlier uttered. I looked over to the rust up door with a torn exit sign that looks like it's supposed to eliminate green light but I'm guessing the powers out, "We can go come on!"Mark said. "What are you waiting for? Come on there's an exit right here! We can continue out lives! We can see what the outside looks like!" "I-I don't get it, there's an exit we can go through at any moment. What are you waiting for?" (Yes those were lines that Mark said in the Markiplier date thingy) Mark studdered, looking around the area. 'This seems wrong' LightTyler said in my ear. Dark, Mark, and FireIce were just watching me, waiting for me to lead the way out of the door. I acknowledged what I had to do and went through the old door.

Dark's POV

I felt I guess jealous about Y/n, I don't know why It's just for today right? Her smile, her H/c soft hair. Agh! Goddammit Dark! She's Fuckin' 12! It's just something has a connection that's holding us together. My anger has gotten worse through time. That I feel forgotten, lost, pushed aside, replaced. I've been waiting patiently, yet no one remembers me...I got myself stressed out again. That I didn't notice I have made a time loop. Fuck...

Y/n's POV

FireIcePlier showed us the way to the exit. Wait, this seems so like what's that word, Deja Vu? I look down at my hands and noticed I was still carrying Google in my arms. What is going on here? I saw Dark had his head down, He's the closest out of the group that I've connected with so I should talk to him. "Heya Dark" I smiled at him he smiled back but it seemed fake. "What's wrong?" He didn't talk back. "Hey um, this might sound weird but.." He looked up at me with his midnight black eyes "Doesn't this seem a bit Deja Vu?" I finished my sentence. He just rubbed the back of his neck in refuse. This defiantly happened before. I tried to recall my memories, Nothing. I exhale as I noticed a green exit sign, This recalled something."Guys behind this door should be the exit." FireIce explained,"We can go Come on!" Mark said that before but, When? I stared blankly at the wall waiting for him to say more "What are you waiting for? Come on there's an exit right here! We can continue out lives! We can see what the outside looks like!" "I-I don't get it, there's an exit we can go through at any moment. What are you waiting for?" I notice there were two ways to go, the obvious way was the exit, the other way was leading to a longer hallway. "I'm going this way." I said firmly to Mark and the others, "Ok. I don't get it but, go ahead. I'll follow you, I'll follow you anywhere" Mark responded. I nodded as I lead the way to the longer halls. I know I chose the right way. Oh please let this be the right way...

Before any more trouble happens again...


And that was this chapter peeps! was it just a coincidence that Mark uploaded a V-day special with Dark and Wilford?! I just loved everything about that video! XD anyways See ya in the next chapter!


Light The Way (A DarkiPlier X Child Reader Fanfic) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now