broken heels & internships

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6 years later

Antonella was singing along to Adele heart wrenching pain about having a chance with someone, while driving to her new job.

"Give me a memory I can use! Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do." She sang.

But it was all come to a hault when her engine broke down.

"No, no, no." She said as the car slowed down and came to a stop.

She got out the car and opens the hood only to be greeted with a cloud of black smoke she instantly stepped back and started hackling.

She tried to get a tow truck to come by but of coarse there was no signal.

"Thanks, Sprint."

So she locked her car and started walking. Knowing where her internship was, she noticed she wasn't that far from there.

She walked and walked until she stepped into a crack and almost tripped but held her own. As she continued walking she noticed something weird with her heel but she passed it off as a pebble stuck on the bottom.

A few minutes later her left heel popped right off.

"What the hell?" She said as she picked up the heel. "Or you could say.. what the heel? Pfft, haha." She chuckled at her own self.

She continued walking. Keeping positive thoughts in her head as she made her way to the building that was until a car passed by and literally drenched her in murky road rain water.

"Atleast I'm alive. Atleast I have a nice home. Aleast I have clothes." She repeated trying to keep calm.

She kept walking until she got irratated of limping and snapped the right heel off.

She saw the building and quickly went in, trying not to die of hypothermia from the crappy London weather.

"Hello, Welcome to," The receptionist said until she actually looked up. "How may I help you?" She said.

"Oh, I actually start an internship here today but my car broke down so I started walking and then my heel broke but I thought nothing of if but then a car drove by and drenched me in the road water and then I got frustrated with my one heel on and the other one off so I broke the other one–"

Antonella stopped rambling when she saw the lady start giving Antonella a worried face, basically saying, "Oh my gosh, this bitch is crazy and she's going to kill me, calling security now."

"May I use your phone?" Antonella asked and the lady refused.

"I have important calls to attend to, I can't afford to miss one." She said.

Antonella rolled her eyes discreetly and made her way to the elevator.

"Um, ma'am where are you going?" The lady asked.

"Well, like I said I start an internship here today." Antonella said.

"Ma'am this is a high class facility, your clothes are soaked in basically mud and stink of car oil." The lady said. "I'm going to ask you to leave."

"I can't go home, my car broke down and you won't let me use your phone, if I could just use my phone on my desk–"

"Ma'am if you don't leave right now, I'll have to ask security to escort you out." She said.

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