tomatoes & dates

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Antonella got back to the building and turned in all the things that were due that day. Then started her new list of tasks due by that Friday.

She packed her things and closed the blinds.

She sighed in relief and walked into the elevator.

Antonella made her way back to Sergio and drove to the market.

"She knows I need her loving,"

"She knows I need her touching,"

"She plays with my heart and emotions,"

"I give her my love and devotion."

She mumbled as the song played.

"Damn, Zayn just getting played." She said to herself then laughed.

"Zayn can't get rejected, he's Zayn." She said and continued listening to the album, enjoying it; but nonetheless would never admit it.

She got to the market and started making a mental list as she grabbed a basket.

"Tomato sauce,"




"Damn, Gigi's gonna eat a lot of meat tonight," She said and laughed.

"Oh, wine." She said as she passed the liquor section.

"Red Wine or White?" She thought.


She checked her list and made her way to the check out line.

She paid and went back to the car and drove to Zayn's house.

"Hubbie, I'm home." She yelled as she tried unlocking the door and carrying the groceries.

"Hey, Anto." Zayn said walking down the stairs.

"Woah, dude your house is–"

"Amazayn. I know." Zayn said while taking out the things he'd need.

"Dork." She said smiling.

"Hey, this is sauce has mushrooms in it." He said.

"I know, I like it." She said.

"Gigi's allergic to mushrooms." He said.

"Poor her."

"Antonella." Zayn said.

"Don't worry, zayniekins. I bought the traditional just in case of a situation as this." She said holding up the glass container.

"Oh, thanks." He said.

"Mhm, Do you have ice cream?" She asked.

"Tons, check the freezer."

"These are all diet."

"Those are Gigi's, the good ones are in the back." He said taking out a box of ice cream sandwiches and handing it to her.

"Ugh, you are amazayn." She said and he laughed.

"OH! I bought wine!" She said excitedly and took out the two bottles.

"Why two?"

"One's red and the other's white, I figured whichever you don't use I can keep."

"You cease to surprise me."

"I know right, okay, I'll take the white and thanks for the ice cream !" She said grabbing the box and bottle.

"Wait, don't take the box."

"What I'm going under a tunnel can't hear you!" She said.

"You're in the living room." Zayn said in a monotone.

"You're breaking up, can't hear. Bye!" She said and closed the front door and made her way to her car.

– – –

"Tia! I'm home." She yelled to her aunt.

"Hi, mija. How was your day?" Her Aunt Luisa.

"Um, good, tiring but at the end of the day very very good." She said holding up the wine and ice-cream box.

"And where'd you get that from?" Her aunt asked popping a brow.

"Zayn's house.." She said.

"Zayn? Like Zayn from school? Ugh, that boy was never up to any good–how is he?" She asked hoping Antonella would tell her the most recent gossip.

"Um, he's good, famous actually–You know that song you really like about the pillow and neighbors?"

Luisa nodded.

"Zayn sings that." She said smiling.

"Oh really? Talented boy." She said while stirring the soup.

"Yes, very talented." Antonella said smiling and Luisa noticed this.

"Ah, are you uh–what do they call it .. catching feelings for this young man?" Luisa questioned.

"What? No, No. Tia.. he has a girlfriend and she's beautiful–he's happy they're happy." Antonella said but stopped when she realized she was ranting.

"Mhm." Luisa said not believing a single word that Antonella said.

"I'm serious, Tia. I never liked Zayn, he never treated a girl right and although he might now doesn't change anything." She said.

"Who're you trying to convince, me or you?" Luisa said and Antonella just groaned.

— — —

It was now 12:32 in the morning and Antonella was not asleep.

Instead, she was scrolling through endless pages of Zayn Malik photos along with fan pages.

She soon caught herself watching "Zayn Malik's Cutest Moments  #17"

"Oh my."


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